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So the reason why she hasn't gotten pregnant for so long is because of this medicine?

Jiang Anning was very angry, especially when she told Zhou Enjin yesterday that she wanted a child, but he didn't even mention this matter.

She was so stupid to want to give birth to a child, but he didn't want to have one with her at all.

"Doctor Ning, is it harmful to take this medicine?" Judging from the degree Zhou Enjin asked for, he should have taken the medicine for a while. I don't know when he started taking it, or has he been taking it since the two of them got together?

Ning Yuanshan shook his head, "This medicine is an old recipe of the Li ethnic group. It is not only effective in contraception, but also has the effect of strengthening the body."

Jiang Anning thanked Ning Yuanshan, and made an appointment with him for the next acupuncture session, and then went home.

After returning home, she first went to the fields to check. The cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants were growing well and were quite mature. She took a small basket and picked some to send to Sister-in-law Guo Xiu'e.

When they first came to the island, they ate a lot of Sister-in-law Xiu'e's vegetables. Now that their own vegetables have grown, they naturally have to send some back as a return gift.

Only when neighbors get along with each other can the friendship last long.

Guo Xiu'e was sewing insoles at home. The training of the soldiers was more frequent, so the insoles were more worn out. She had to make new ones every month.

"Sister-in-law Xiu'e, my vegetables have grown. I'll send you some to try." Jiang Anning put the basket on the table.

"Sister An Ning, please sit down." Guo Xiu'e put down the things in her hands and put the vegetables in the basket into her own basket. As she took them, she couldn't help but sigh: "You grow these vegetables and fruits so well. They look delicious. When our old Fu sees them, he will definitely say that you should learn from Sister An Ning. The vegetables planted later are growing better than the ones we planted earlier."

The expression she said was exactly the same as that of Captain Fu.

Jiang An Ning was amused by her lifelike appearance, "Actually, I didn't use any method, I just gave enough fertilizer." In addition to the seeds soaked in moonlight flower dew, these vegetables used little moonlight flower dew dilution for growth. If enough fertilizer was given, this effect could also be achieved.

"I guess so. Here." Guo Xiu'e handed the basket to Jiang Anning. As soon as she sat down, she had a bout of morning sickness, which tortured her.

Seeing that she was in pain, Jiang Anning rushed to the counter and poured some warm water into a cup.

Guo Xiu'e drank the warm water and finally suppressed her disgust. She vomited until tears came out. "The five previous morning sicknesses were not as severe as this. This baby must be a debt collector. It is still in my belly and is making trouble for me. I will beat him up when he comes out."

"Sister Anning, you are still young. Listen to my sister-in-law's advice. Wait until you are older before having a child to suffer less." When you are older and your body is stronger, it will not be so hard to be pregnant.

Hearing this, Jiang Anning's eyes flashed with loneliness. She just wanted to have a baby, and she didn't care if the man disagreed.

Seeing that she looked strange, Guo Xiu'e asked, "Did you have a quarrel with Captain Zhou?"

"No, there was just a problem." Jiang Anning didn't hide it, and told Zhou Enjin about his secret contraception behind her back, "Sister Xiu'e, what do you think he is thinking? Why doesn't he want our child? Does he not love me?"

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