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Seeing her confused, Zhou Shuting couldn't help but get anxious, "Why not? When was the last time you had a day?"

This question confused Jiang Anning.

The last time you had a day?

In her previous life, she was a little flower fairy and there was no such thing as a day, which caused her to always forget it after becoming a human. When she was at home, Wang Fuhua reminded her. After coming to the island, Zhou Enjin would help her remember, so she herself was not used to remembering the day.

After Zhou Enjin went to Xiaoxiang Island, she was too busy and forgot about it. So it has been more than a month since the last time she had a day.

After hearing what her sister-in-law said, Zhou Shuting was certain: "I think you are pregnant in all likelihood."

Jiang Anning looked at her belly subconsciously, but still couldn't believe it, "Could it be a mistake? You got caught a cold last time when you were trapped in the valley, so your baby might be delayed."

"Then how do you explain your vomiting? Come on, I'll take you to the health station. Let Dr. Ning take your pulse and we'll know if you are pregnant." Zhou Shuting said, supporting her and walking out.

At that time, the hospital didn't have any B-ultrasound or other means to determine whether a woman was pregnant. The only way was to have a Chinese medicine doctor take her pulse.

Jiang Anning came back to her senses, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and change clothes." She had been on the road for so long and was sweating, but she didn't have time to change.

"Go ahead. I'll wait for you outside."

Jiang Anning changed into a clean white Dacron dress. She glanced at the sandals with heels on her feet, thought about it, and changed into a pair of flat sandals.

"Let's go, Third Sister."

Doctor Ning was on duty at the health center today. After hearing the purpose of the two people's visit, he asked Jiang Anning to sit down.

"Put your hand on it." Doctor Ning put his fingers on her wrist and felt it carefully.

Third Sister was more nervous than her. As soon as Doctor Ning put his hand on it, she asked, "Doctor Ning, how is it? Are you pregnant?"

Jiang Anning also held her breath.

After taking the baby's pulse, Dr. Ning nodded and said, "She's pregnant, just over a month." He pushed the eye socket on the bridge of his nose and combined the pulse with the face diagnosis. He said, "You're a little weak. I'll prescribe some medicine for you. Go home and boil it and drink it for three days." After that, he handed the prescription to the nurse. The nurse took the prescription to the pharmacy and saw a kid who was not even as tall as her waist picking up herbs seriously. She couldn't help laughing: "Little Tieniu, you are back to work again."

Tieniu smiled and stretched out his hand, "Sister nurse, give it to me."

The elder sister nurse who was called sister was very happy and couldn't stop smiling, "Okay. Here you go."

Tieniu is now the most popular apprentice in the pharmacy. Not only is he sweet and cute, but he also knows a lot about Chinese medicine. When Dr. Ning is too busy, he helps pick up the herbs.

He personally takes the herbs he has picked up and lets Dr. Ning check them. If there are any problems, he will point them out and tell him.

However, don't look at him as a child. He is really talented. After all these days, he has basically never picked the wrong ones.

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