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Fortunately, they still have lychee honey, which is their biggest confidence. Although the quantity of lychee honey is small now, if it is used well, it can completely open up the market for the subsequent multi-flower honey.

As long as one product is sold in the railway bureau, she will have the confidence to put more products in later.

Manager Wu saw an acquaintance, "An Ning, Aman, you wait here for a while, I will go over to say hello."

"Manager Wu, you go ahead, we will wait here for a while, it will be our turn soon." Jiang An Ning glanced at the queue and calculated the time in his mind.

"What do you mean by a while? Judging from the length of the line, it will take an hour. We have made an appointment in advance, and the Railway Bureau has specified that we should see it. The process is different, so we can skip this step and go directly to the next step. My uncle must have been delayed by something. You wait for me. I will go to talk to someone and come back soon." Wu Guohua said, smiling and walked towards a person wearing a work uniform of the Railway Bureau.

"Okay." Jiang Anning and Aman looked around and found an empty table to wait.

After a few minutes, Manager Wu still didn't come back.

Jiang Anning had a bad feeling in her heart. After thinking about it, she decided to make two preparations first.

There are two ways to enter the Railway Bureau for product selection. The first is to be directly recommended by the recommender, which can save the time of the first step of the audition and directly enter the second step of explanation. The second type is for those who have no chance to recommend. They can bring their own products to participate in the tasting audition. The staff of the Railway Bureau and the crowd will taste and vote. Only the top five can enter the next step.

Jiang Anning told Aman about his idea. The two of them got their number plates and lined up, and then took out their products and put them on the table for tasting.

"Are you also here at the Railway Bureau to participate in the procurement and selection?" The speaker was a female comrade wearing the work clothes of the Railway Bureau cadres. She had a square face, short hair, neat and capable, and her eyes were full of momentum.

"Replying to the leader, we are employees of the Red Star Farm on Haisha Island. We are here to participate in the product selection of the purchasing department."

"Red Star Farm on Haisha Island?" The female cadre frowned and asked the secretary beside her to hand her a document. She took a look and said, "Why are your names not on it? Who recommended you?"

All state-owned factories and farms that enter the product selection meeting need to review their qualifications in advance. Those who do not meet the regulations are not allowed to enter.

"We are..." Jiang Anning got stuck at this point. Manager Wu only said that the recommender was his uncle, but he did not say what his uncle's name was. Now she can't answer.

A man wearing a work uniform of the Railway Bureau next to the female cadre said in a sharp voice: "Minister Zhang is asking you a question? Who recommended you? You are hesitating. Did you sneak in? Where are the people? Please ask them to leave."

"Deputy Manager Zheng," Minister Zhang frowned, "You are an employee of the Railway Bureau, not a gangster outside. This group of people hasn't spoken yet, don't be aggressive. You step back first."

"Minister Zhang is right, I will step back now." Zheng Aimin smiled and stood beside Minister Zhang without saying anything.

Minister Zhang looked at Jiang Anning and Aman, showed a friendly smile and said: "Comrade, you don't have to be afraid, just say whatever you want."

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