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Why is he silent?

Jiang Anning looked up at him and was amused by his eyes. The 1.88-meter-tall man had a pitiful expression on his serious and tough face.

It was incongruous no matter how you looked at it, but also a little funny.

What does it look like?

The big dog in the yard of the cotton textile factory next door suddenly appeared in Jiang Anning's mind.

It really looks like it.

Xiao Liang, who was picking vegetables in the backyard, was curious and took a sneak peek, and accidentally saw this scene.

I'm going to go blind, I'm going to go blind. Zhou Paopi could actually make such an expression? And he was laughing so...

He was so disgusted. In order to pursue his target, Zhou Paopi was so dog-like that he even used such a shameless trick.

But is it really effective? A beautiful figure in police uniform emerged in his mind.

Zhou Enjin's eyes were like knives, and they swung over with a warning.

Xiao Liang curled his lips and said he would not look at it. He was a man of the opposite sex but inhuman.

Without the troublesome people, Zhou Enjin could perform more easily.

In front of the future object, showing weakness and pretending to be pitiful can effectively bring the two people closer.

Captain Zhou's face, which was usually serious, rarely showed a smile, and his voice became more gentle for fear of scaring away the future object: "... No matter who you choose, I will respect your choice."

He said so, but his expression was not like that at all. Jiang Anning felt that if he rejected someone, his deep eyes would be stained with sadness.

It has to be said that some people are really black-bellied.

Zhou Enjin then added: "Of course I still hope you can choose me. Comrade Jiang Anning, I use this sacred navy uniform as a witness. As long as I, Zhou Enjin, am here, I will cherish you, respect you, and protect you." No matter if she is his wife or not.

When he said this, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Anning, serious and solemn.

With such a face and such words, Jiang Anning's heart skipped a beat, and the original idea of ​​teasing him was gone.

This is really a foul, who can refuse.

Jiang Anning's cheeks were slightly red, and he bit his lip, "I also have something to tell you." Since he has decided to choose him, some things should be made clear in advance.

Zhou Enjin sat up straight, "Comrade Jiang Anning, just tell me."

"Three years ago, I got a strange disease. Although I'm much better now, I have to sleep at least ten hours a day. I can do some heavy work occasionally, but not too much. And..." Jiang Anning felt a little embarrassed when she said this. After thinking about it, she decided to say it all at once: "I eat a lot, more than the male comrades working in the factory. One meal is the amount of food for two or three adults."

Although she knew that this was because of the damage to her soul in the heavenly tribulation, others didn't know. The rest of the Zhou family knew it in advance. Zhou Enjin came last, and Jiang Anning estimated that he didn't know it yet.

That's what Zhou Enjin was relieved. "After we get married, the passbook and salary allowance will be handed over to you. You can arrange what you want to eat and buy yourself, don't worry about the money. As for work, I married you because I love you and want to form a revolutionary partner with you. I will go home every day, and I can do the housework. Even if I can't come back because of the mission, you don't have to do it, just wait for me to come back."

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