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Jiang Anning rushed to the toilet door and knocked on it: "Tienniu, is my aunt here?"

Tieniu seemed to have found his backbone, and cried: "Aunt, the worm is stuck, it's moving."

How terrible, how could there be such a terrible thing in the world. He will listen to his aunt in the future and never drink raw water again.

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Anning broke a tree root and passed it through the crack of the toilet door, "Use this."

"What's wrong with Tieniu?" Zhou Enjin came back from the army canteen after eating. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Tieniu, who usually liked to follow his lover like a little tail, with a pale face, sitting on a small stool as if he had suffered a major blow in his life.

Hearing the sound, Tieniu stood up and rushed over to hug Zhou Enjin's legs with tears in his eyes: "Uncle, hug me~"

Zhou Enjin rubbed his head, picked him up with one hand, walked to the main room, put down the aluminum lunch box, "What happened?"

Tieniu lay in the arms of his tall and mighty uncle, buried his head in his uncle's neck, and was so scared that he flew away.

Jiang Anning looked at Tieniu with his back to him and said with amusement: "He was frightened by the roundworms and is now hurt. I held him for a while, but I couldn't hold him anymore, so I let him sit aside and wait for me. Let him hold you for a while."

Hearing that it was because of roundworms, Zhou Enjin looked at him and said, "Little man, there will be a day when you are afraid of roundworms. Let's see if you dare to drink raw water secretly in the future."

Tieniu shook his head like a wave drum, "No, no."

When Jiang Anning was in the family courtyard of Wireless, he found that people didn't care much about hygiene. On weekdays, if they were hot and thirsty, they would just drink cold water. Only those who were a little more particular would boil water.

Adults didn't care, and children didn't understand even more. They often saw Tieniu come back tired from playing and scoop water from the water tank with a gourd ladle to drink.

Later, when she was awake more and Wang Fuhua didn't have time, she would boil a pot of water in an enamel basin every day. This habit has been preserved until now. People on Haisha Island prefer to drink well water, especially children who are unstable. Tieniu didn't want to wait for the hot water to cool down, and was caught by her several times for secretly drinking raw water.

With the shadow of this roundworm beating, Tieniu always brought a military water bottle with cooled boiled water every time he went out to play.

He didn't drink raw water himself, but when he saw his friends drinking raw water, he would tell them the benefits of drinking boiled water and give the water in his own water bottle to his friends to drink.

Other military families were very happy to see their children playing with Tieniu, not only developing the habit of washing hands after eating, but also paying more attention to hygiene. They also had a better impression of Jiang Anning.

During the meal, Jiang Anning asked her husband, "Did the division commander say when we will go to Little Oak Island?"

Zhou Enjin put the peeled shrimps on a plate and passed it between his wife and Tieniu, "The Dragon Boat Festival will be in two days, and the troops are rarely so tight on funds. The division commander is going to give all the soldiers extra meals. After the Dragon Boat Festival, we will go to Little Oak Island."

Jiang Anning was very happy and thought that her husband would not be able to spend the Dragon Boat Festival at home this time. I didn't expect to stay so long. "Today I made an appointment with Sister Xiu'e and my third sister to go to the mountain to collect herbs and hollyhock leaves. Tomorrow we will make rice dumplings." Sister Xiu'e said that when she first came to the island, she broke the four olds and abolished many customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, the leader of the nearby brigade would go around with a radio and shout that it was forbidden to make rice dumplings. The situation has been better in the past two years. The people make rice dumplings and hang mugwort by themselves, and the government turns a blind eye and doesn't care much. So this year, she plans to make more rice dumplings and have a good Dragon Boat Festival. After dinner, Zhou Enjin went to the office to handle military affairs. Jiang Anning brought the iron bull, long sleeves, long pants, a hat and a scarf to cover her face. There are many leeches on the mountain, and she doesn't want to pick a bag of herbs and come back with leeches all over her body.

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