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Zhou Xinghai glanced at his uncle who was listening to his instructions obediently with an expressionless face, and called out "Mom".

"What are you shouting for? Can't you see I'm here..." Hu Yuxiu said to her biological son impatiently. Just as she was about to ask Zhou Enjin to go down and bring An Ning up, her eyes met with Jiang An Ning who was holding a large lobster.

Hu Yuxiu was stunned for two seconds, then quickly walked down the reef and walked to Jiang Anning's side. Seeing that she was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Anning? Didn't you go to the sea?"

Jiang Anning glanced at her husband, "I went to the sea. This big lobster and the shells and prawns in Xinghai were all caught by me."

"Girl, if you want to eat lobster, there are many ways. Why are you so stupid? Even if you have to go to the sea, it is your husband who goes to the sea to catch it for you. How can you, a pregnant woman, go to the sea?" Hu Yuxiu glared at Zhou Enjin, threw the plastic bucket that she had just treasured to her son, Pulling Jiang Anning to look around, "Do you feel uncomfortable in your stomach? Are you tired? Why don't we go to the health center for a checkup, so that sister-in-law can rest assured."

Jiang Anning handed the big lobster to her husband, held sister-in-law's hand and comforted her, "Sister-in-law, you really wronged Enjin. It wasn't him who asked me to go to the sea, I wanted to go to the sea."

Hu Yuxiu was suspicious, "Even if you wanted to go to the sea, he should stop you as a husband. It's different when you're pregnant. You have to be careful about everything."

Jiang Anning repeated the words she had used to convince Zhou Enjin, "... Doctor Ning said that pregnant women can help relieve back pain and help with childbirth if they swim appropriately, and my swimming ability is better than that of professionally trained soldiers, so I'll be fine. If you don't believe me, You asked Tieniu? "

Hu Yuxiu looked at Tieniu, "Tieniu, is what your aunt said true? Did Dr. Ning really say that?"

Tieniu nodded: "Auntie, my master said that for a woman like my aunt who is in the second trimester, she can do some proper exercise to help her have a baby girl. Swimming is a better way, as long as the water temperature is right and the swimming time is right. "

When the teacher said that, he remembered it very clearly, not a single word was forgotten.

"Since the doctor has said that, I won't stop you. But you still have to be more careful when you go to the sea. Forget about the dangerous things like catching lobsters. What if you bump into or hit the reefs on the seabed?"

The sister-in-law didn't know that she had a golden finger, and she was worried for her own good. She understood.

"Sister-in-law, I got it. I'll be careful." Jiang Anning handed Zhou Enjin the homemade harpoon and rubber goggles in his hand, "Enjin, it's your turn to go to the sea now. Catch some fish."

Hu Yuxiu smiled and said, "That's how it should be. Your husband can't help you get pregnant, but he should do some work for you. Now it's your turn to show off."

"I promise to complete the task." Zhou Enjin took the harpoon, took off his vest and went to the sea. He had strong reaction and sensitivity. With the harpoon and diving goggles, it was not difficult for him to catch a few fish.

But he usually didn't catch any alive, so they had to be eaten on the same day. This was also the reason why Jiang Anning didn't let him do it before. Crabs and lobsters had to be left until the evening before they could be eaten. With the temperature on the island, they couldn't be eaten if they were dead. As for fish, you can apply salt and put them in the water tank. It will be fine until the evening.

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