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"An Ning, dress up first. Mom will go out to take a look." Wang Fuhua was eagerly waiting in the morning. She would go out from time to time to see if Zhou Enjin had come.

Niu Aifang was sweeping the floor at the door. Seeing this, she advised, "Fuhua, you are a person who loves to worry. There is still one week left before the deadline of the Youth Office. No matter which one An Ning chooses, she will live happily."

Although she said so, Wang Fuhua still hoped that her daughter could choose someone who was considerate. Zhou Xingyun was excluded. Although the remaining Zhou Xinghai and Zhou Xinghe were good, they were not so suitable after all.

She could only pin her hopes on the old son, Grandpa Zhou. It is said that Zhou Enjin is 27 years old this year and is the youngest head of the island. Although he is a little old, he has a successful career. An Ning is afraid of cold weather, so it is a good choice for her to follow the army to an island where the weather is warm all year round.

Just as I was thinking about it, the door next door opened.

"Fuhua, your An Ning hasn't found a husband yet? I advise you to prepare your things for going to the countryside as soon as possible. With An Ning's strange disease, I think it will be difficult for her to find a working gay man." The person who spoke was Zhao Guihua. She had not shown up for a long time because she was embarrassed by the fight and self-criticism. Today, for some reason, she appeared at the door early in the morning and packed up simply, which was rare.

She can say that she is okay, but she can't say that she is a lady.

Wang Fuhua didn't give her any face at all. She kicked down the flower pot that Zhao Guihua had put across the boundary and spilled all over the floor in her hallway. "What are you talking about? Our An Ning is pretty and a high school student. There are many people who want to marry her. You don't need to gossip about her. If you have the time, you should worry more about your daughter. You only want to trade your daughter for your son's future. Be careful of retribution."

" Bah! What retribution or no retribution. "Zhao Guihua felt guilty for a moment, then straightened her back and said with her hands on her hips: "Who said I don't love my daughter-in-law? Our Yanzi doesn't have to go to the countryside. I found a partner for her, a worker in a steel factory, who not only doesn't mind her lameness, but is also willing to spend 300 yuan on her betrothal gift."

In fact, the betrothal gift was 200 yuan, and Zhao Guihua deliberately added 100 yuan.

When the neighbors heard this, they opened their eyes wide in surprise.

"Guihua, are you serious? Is your Yanzi really going to marry a worker at the steel plant? And he's willing to give her a dowry of 200 yuan?"

Zhao Guihua straightened her chest, venting the anger she had from self-criticizing in public before, and glanced at Wang Fuhua with a little pride, "Yanzi's boyfriend is coming to our house today, and he even borrowed a car from someone to take our Yanzi to the movies."

"A car. This is incredible. Yanzi's boyfriend is capable."

As she was talking, someone outside the family yard shouted, "There's a car at the door, Zhao Guihua, it can't be your son-in-law, right?"

"That must be it. I won't say much, and I'll treat everyone to wedding candy later." Zhao Guihua straightened her clothes and walked out with a smile on her face.

"Let's go and see what's going on."

Wang Fuhua simply went out to wait, she didn't believe what Zhao Guihua said.

A group of people from the family compound went out, and they saw the jeep parked at the door. It was military green, with a brand new appearance, and it looked as glorious as it could be.

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