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Pei Qingsong came out from Zhou Shuting's place and saw Yu Jiangang coming out of the ward. His foxy eyes narrowed, flashing a hint of coldness and cruelty.

Some people are in great trouble, but they still dare to show off their power. They are really brave.

Zhou Shuting didn't know what happened yet, but she knew that her husband's expression changed suddenly. She followed his gaze and looked at the corridor, but didn't find anything unusual. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. You go to work first, I'll go to the interrogation room." Pei Qingsong calmed down and shook his lover's hand.

Upon hearing the interrogation room, Zhou Shuting hurriedly asked: "Did that person confess? Who instructed him?"

Pei Qingsong shook his head, "The man bit to death because he accidentally hit the shelf. As for why the shelf broke, it was just an accident."

"Isn't this nonsense? They climb up and down every day, how can they not check the shelf? And it broke? The wooden shelf is not toilet paper, it will break if it is hit." Zhou Shuting sneered, thinking that people are fools?

"Don't worry, Lao Song and I have already grasped the clues. Let's see if we can catch a bigger fish."

In the ward.

Zhou Enjin was lying on the bed, hearing his wife's voice, and wanted to touch her head as usual, but found that he was surrounded by darkness and couldn't find the exit.

He could hear and feel everything outside, but he couldn't wake up.

He couldn't stand lying there motionless, unable to communicate with his family and friends, unable to fulfill his duties, and even more unable to hug his wife and children. He had promised to accompany his wife to raise their children and grow old together.

He couldn't break his promise or break his promise. She would cry, and he couldn't bear it.

Zhou Enjin tried hard to grope in the darkness, trying to find a way out. But no matter how he searched, it was still pitch black around him, and the light that belonged to him did not come.

At this moment, some green liquid appeared in the darkness, emitting a faint light, leading him through the darkness.

After feeding Jiang Anning the moonlight flower dew, she found that she was very hungry. She touched her stomach helplessly. She didn't expect that she would be hungry so quickly after eating so much in the morning.

If you are hungry, you have to eat. She is still pregnant and cannot be willful.

She walked to the five-drawer cabinet, opened the drawer, and found that she had eaten all the several kilograms of large biscuits, and almost ran out of dried shrimps and mangoes.

Asking the nurse to help look after her, Jiang Anning went to the supply and marketing cooperative with the coupons and money. Unexpectedly, she was lucky today, and the supply and marketing cooperative still had meat. The meat was too lean. People in this era still like big fat meat. In addition, it was the beginning of the month, and everyone's meat coupons were not used, which was a bargain for her.

Generally speaking, if you want to buy meat, you basically can't buy it unless you line up the night before. According to the situation on Haisha Island, each person only has half a kilogram of meat coupons per month. Because Zhou Enjin was ill, he was given an additional subsidy of three or two meat coupons per month.

After buying the meat, Jiang Anning also bought a bag of Fuqiang flour, weighed some biscuits and fruit candies and other food. The food coupons sent by Grandpa Zhou were consumed quickly because of the large amount of moonlight flower dew condensed during this period. The rest must be used sparingly.

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