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Are you afraid of her?

Zhou Enjin wiped the sweat off his lover's neck with a towel, then stopped, looked at his lover with deep eyes, and shook his head.

He recalled his feelings when he saw that scene just now. He was surprised and curious, and then he was afraid that she would be discovered by others, and he was also afraid that she would leave after being discovered by him.

The only thing he was not afraid of was her.

Jiang Anning bit her lip, "Why aren't you afraid of me? Don't you think it's strange to see me produce green liquid out of thin air?"

Zhou Enjin took the stool next to her and sat in front of her lover. He was tall, and sitting in front of him was almost the same height as her sitting on the bed. He looked at her tenderly, "Suddenly seeing this scene, it's definitely strange. I'm also an ordinary person, I will be curious, although it's strange, but I'm not afraid of you. Because I know you won't hurt me."

"Do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I'm a monster that sucks people's essence, and I married you just to suck your essence?" Jiang Anning pursed her lips and directly exposed the fear in her heart.

Zhou Enjin's face darkened, "... In the future, you are not allowed to read so many stories with the third sister?"

Jiang Anning felt guilty, how did he know that she had secretly read the stories. Last time when she went to her third sister's house, she found out that she had secretly hidden a comic book about a talented scholar and a beautiful woman. With her third sister's strong recommendation, she was completely hooked.

She had read it every time when she went to her third sister's house or when she waited for her sister to come back. How did it get exposed?

Now these are all feudal dregs, but many people are reading them secretly.

Jiang Anning clenched her fist and pretended to cough, taking the initiative, "These are not important, don't change the subject, answer me first, why aren't you afraid that I'm a monster that sucks people?"

Zhou Enjin put her legs on his legs, gently kneaded the tense muscles, and said while kneading: "I don't care if you are a monster or not, I only know that you are my wife, the lover I want to spend my life with. I will always love you, trust you, and protect you."

Hearing his words, Jiang Anning felt much more at ease, "Then aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person and will do bad things?"

Zhou Enjin's eyes were firm, "You won't."

When Jiang Anning heard his answer, the fear in her heart seemed to be blown away by the wind, and the seeds of joy bloomed from the soil.

She tried hard not to let the corners of her mouth rise, and the curiosity in her heart spread like weeds, "Do you trust me so much?"

Zhou Enjin lowered his head, kneaded her legs carefully, and said a word without hesitation: "Yeah."

Although he and his lover had known each other for a short time, Zhou Enjin knew very well that his lover was gentle and kind, but her gentleness and kindness were not without bottom line. She had her own principles and did what she should and did not do what she should not.

She was so proud and strong in her heart that she disdained to do and would not do bad things.

The word "Yeah", short and soft, but heavy as a thousand kilograms, was his unreserved love and trust for her, like a spring breeze, blowing away the knot in her heart that had been lingering for a long time.

From the moment she woke up three years ago, she was always worried about being discovered, afraid of seeing the terrified eyes of her family, and afraid of being burned to death as a monster.

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