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As soon as Zhou Enjin stepped out, Zhu Dali and other military dependents' eyes lit up. Yes, there was also Captain Zhou.

Captain Zhou had won three consecutive championships in the military-civilian table tennis competition. Captain Zhou would definitely win back a game for them.

Smith looked at Zhou Enjin. He knew that this man was Jiang's husband, and it was said that he was a non-commissioned officer. He didn't expect that he spoke English so well.

Smith praised Zhou Enjin's English, and was very happy to compete with him.

Although Jiang Anning knew that her lover could play table tennis, she didn't know how well he played. At this moment, she was extremely curious.

Zhu Dali was a die-hard admirer of his captain. Under his honest appearance, he was a bloody person who refused to admit defeat. So many of them lost, so of course they hoped that Zhou could get back on track.

Seeing that his sister-in-law didn't understand, Zhu Dali explained to Jiang Anning: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, the team leader will definitely be able to do it. The team leader has won the three consecutive military-civilian table tennis tournaments. If he hadn't been banned for being too good, he might have won four or five consecutive championships."

"So good?" Jiang Anning's eyes widened in surprise.

Zhu Dali's innocent face was full of admiration: "The team leader is just good."

Jiang Anning was looking forward to the next game even more. Her husband was simply too good. What else can he not do? Not only can he fly a plane and a boat, but he can also play English harmonica and now even play table tennis.

Considering that Mr. Smith just played for a while, the two will play in ten minutes. Smith can take a rest first.

Zhou Enjin returned to his wife and opened his military bag. "Are you hungry? Do you want some snacks?"

"I want some dried pineapple honey." Jiang Anning was greedy and took the dried pineapple honey from her husband. The sweet but not greasy pineapple honey went into her mouth. It was fragrant and chewy, and quickly replenished the sugar content. Her hungry stomach was immediately comforted.

Although it was a friendly match, because one side of the match was a foreign guest and the other side was the army's famous figure, the news of the match spread very quickly. Many people told each other, and more and more people came to see the excitement.

Tieniu came with Auntie Sun Fang, Qi Tianbao and his little follower Ning Siming. Seeing his aunt and uncle, Tieniu ran over. His legs had recovered very well, and the blood clots in his head had almost disappeared. He ran as fast as other children, even faster.

Qi Tianbao was a person who never gave up. Seeing Tieniu running, he also ran. Ning Siming saw the two running, so he ran too. The three kids ran wildly on the muddy ground, Auntie Sun Fang couldn't catch up, and kept shouting at them to slow down.

"Aunt, uncle." Tieniu's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he panted as he greeted Jiang Anning and Zhou Enjin. After greeting, he looked at Zhou Enjin with expectation: "Uncle, Tianbao said you were going to play table tennis with foreign guests? Is it true?"

Zhou Enjin touched his head, "It's true. Tieniu must cheer for uncle later!"

Tieniu patted his chest, "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely cheer for you!"

"Let's cheer for you too!" Qi Tianbao and Ning Siming followed up, smiling and calling her beautiful aunt.

Zhou Enjin and Mr. Smith invited Comrade Wu Xuechen to be the referee for this game, which adopted a best-of-five system.

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