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"You are so old, and you are still crying." Wang Fuhua wiped her tears with red eyes.

Jiang Quangen looked at his youngest daughter whom he hadn't seen for almost a year. He was excited and didn't know how to express it. He couldn't help but tear up. Afraid of being seen by his daughter, he turned his head to wipe his eyes, turned back and smiled and called his youngest daughter.

Jiang Anning wiped her tears and hugged Wang Fuhua coquettishly.

Wang Fuhua was originally worried about the health of the youngest daughter because she had a serious illness before. Would she suffer from pregnancy? Now seeing that the youngest daughter looked rosy and seemed to have gained a little weight, all the worries along the way were finally relieved.

Enjin took good care of her youngest daughter.

At this time, the sun was still very strong outside and the weather was hot.

Zhou Enjin was worried that his wife was tired from standing, so he called out, "Mom and Dad, An Ning, go in first."

Wang Fuhua patted her daughter's hand, "Come on, go in first."

Jiang An Ning walked into the house with Wang Fuhua on her left arm and Jiang Quangen on her right arm, smiling.

Aunt Liu and Zhou Enjin left some space for the three people who hadn't seen each other for a long time. One went to the kitchen to cook dinner for today, and the other went outside the yard to kill the remaining three-yellow chicken.

Main room.

Seeing that the water in the enamel pot of her parents had cooled down, Jiang An Ning added hot water for the two of them.

"Mom and Dad, why are you here? What's going on at home?"

Wang Fuhua took a sip of water and said with a smile, "Enjin called us and said she missed us. It just so happened that your dad and I wanted to come and see you, so we bought train tickets and came."

After killing the chicken, Zhou Enjin went into the house and saw that there were not many snacks on the table. She opened the five-box cabinet and added some, put them between the three of them, and went to the kiln in the backyard to roast the chicken later.

Mom, Jiang Anning can understand. Doesn't her dad have to go to work?

"What about Dad's work?"

Jiang Quangen looked at his daughter, full of joy, "Before Dad came, he specially asked your uncle Lu to take over his shift."

Wang Fuhua continued, "Your dad has not had a day off in the past two months to come and see you, and he has asked someone to take over his shift during his rest time. Together with the original vacation, he can stay on Haisha Island for half a month this time."

On the one hand, Jiang Anning was very happy to hear that his parents could stay so long, but on the other hand, he felt sorry for his father for not taking a rest in order to save the vacation.

"Last time, because I was worried about your dad, I didn't have a good time on the island. This time I want to stay a few more days. What about catching the sea? Take me and your dad with you next time." Wang Fuhua has been thinking about catching the sea for a long time, like this kind of free seafood.

The attraction to a housewife like her is no less than the laundry detergent free gift for the grandparents in the future when they see a discount promotion in the supermarket.

"That's perfect. I don't have to go to work now. After attending the pearl oyster conference, I will take you to have a good time on Haisha Island."

The three of them chatted for a while, and Wang Fuhua remembered the things she brought.

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