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When Jiang Anning saw that he had changed his clothes, she knew that he had taken a special bath before coming back. She was much less angry.

Since coming to the island, no matter how hard or late the training was every day, this man would take a bath in the military bathhouse before going home.

Just because she once said: I like the smell of clean and fresh, and hate the smell of sweat.

Jiang Anning didn't know what kind of belief would make Zhou Enjin remember a simple complaint, and in the years that followed, no matter what the situation, he would do what he said.

"I brought it for you." Zhou Enjin handed her the lychees in his pocket.

Jiang Anning was surprised to see that it was lychee, "Where can I get lychees in this season?" The lychee forest on Haisha Island has just started to bloom, and it will take at least a few months for lychees to be produced.

When she was still a little flower demon, she saw the neighbor's child eat this kind of fruit. At that time, she was curious and wanted to know what it tasted like to make the neighbor's child cry like that.

"Today, I was training on a nearby island and accidentally found it in the wild forest. There are not many, just one. I gave two bunches to Lao Song, and the rest are for you." Zhou Enjin put four bunches of lychees on the table, picked one, peeled it considerately, and handed it to her mouth with half of the shell: "Try it, do you like it?"

Jiang Anning was thinking about settling the score, but when she saw the lychees, all the techniques that Sister Xiu'e had taught her were thrown out of her mind.

With my lover's hand, I tasted the first lychee after becoming a human being. His black and white almond eyes immediately widened.

So delicious!

The lychee is very juicy. As soon as it enters my mouth, the tip of my tongue is immediately wrapped in the sweet juice, and the tip of my nose is full of the rich lychee fragrance.

The lychee flesh is as white as solidified fat, thick and delicate, and extremely delicious.

Zhou Enjin helped his lover wipe the juice from the corner of his mouth. Seeing that she was enjoying the food, his cold eyes could not help but smile. "This kind of lychee is called Feizixiao, which is the Feizixiao in 'A Ride in the Red Dust'. It tastes better than ordinary lychees. If you like it, I'll find it for you next time."

Jiang Anning nodded, peeled a lychee and handed it to his mouth, and said vaguely: "Your slave eats it."

"Hmm." Zhou Enjin was reluctant to eat the lychee meat.

Feizixiao is really delicious. Jiang Anning ate several in a row and wanted to reach out for more, but Zhou Enjin held his hand and said, "Eating too many lychees will cause internal heat. Put the rest in the enamel pot and cool it. Eat it in the afternoon."

When Jiang Anning heard that it would cause internal heat, he immediately stopped thinking.

Zhou Enjin walked to the cupboard and picked up the kettle to pour water.

Jiang Anning said hurriedly: "There is a coconut drink in the enamel basin. I made it specially."

Drinking hot water in such a hot day is simply fatal. Today, Zhu Dali and his friends sent some fresh coconuts, so she made a drink. Since she made it last time, Tieniu and Zhou Enjin like it very much.

"Would you like one?" Zhou Enjin asked when she entered the kitchen.

Jiang Anning was not satisfied with the lychees she had just eaten, and the glutton in her stomach was aroused. She nodded immediately, "Yes."

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