131(Extra 2)

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◎Beihai Ice Skating 2◎

The ticket point was not far away. Teng Zhongjun and Tao Ying bought their tickets and came over. The four of them changed their shoes and entered the ice rink.

The ice rink in Beihai Park was very large. Looking around, people were skating everywhere. The skates left white marks on the ice, carrying people away in a flash.

"Are you cold?" Zhou Enjin held the red scarf around Jiang Anning's neck.

The temperature was very low today. Jiang Anning was wearing a military coat. Under her pretty face was a popular red scarf. The combination of red and white made her face look particularly lively.

If Zhou Enjin standing next to her hadn't looked extraordinary and not easy to mess with, those naughty guys would have wanted to come over and take advantage of her.

"It's not cold." Jiang Anning helped Zhou Enjin stand steadily, then turned to Tao Ying and Teng Zhongjun and said, "You two go skate, don't worry about me. I'll learn from Enjin first."

Tao Ying looked at her hesitantly, "Really don't need to wait for you?"

Jiang Anning shook her head, "You go first. I haven't learned it before, so I'm sure I can't skate for a while."

"Okay. You learn from Zhou Enjin first, I'll go skate first, and come to accompany you later."

Tao Ying adjusted her scarf, looked at Teng Zhongjun, raised her chin, "Brother, let's have a game, and the loser will treat you to a snack. Anning, wait for me to give you food for the winner."

Jiang Anning smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait."

Tao Ying patted her chest, "Leave it to me. Come on, Let's compete. You don't dare, do you, Old Teng?"

"Let's compete. The loser must not cry." Teng Zhongjun obviously had learned from the previous experience.

Tao Ying was embarrassed and said, "That was many years ago. You still bring it up. I won't lose. Don't talk nonsense. Do you dare to compete?"

"Let's compete. Tell me, how do you compete?" Teng Zhongjun said while putting on the sheepskin hat on his head.

Tao Ying thought for a while, "It's still the old rules. Compare speed. Each lap requires three movements. Whoever completes five laps first wins."

"No problem."

Tao Ying took a deep breath, bent down and prepared, "Start."

As soon as the voice fell, two figures, one tall and one short, slid out like arrows from a bow.

Tao Ying and Teng Zhongjun have been skating since they were young. They wear ice skates as if they were walking on flat ground. They chase each other and have fun on the ice, sometimes skating backwards, sometimes copying, and sometimes dancing ballet on the ice...

She is like a dancing butterfly, flying freely on the ice. It is this butterfly that waves and greets Jiang Anning every time it skates nearby.

Seeing them skating happily, Jiang Anning is itching to grab Zhou Enjin's hand to learn.

Zhou Enjin is a good teacher. Every year when new recruits come to the army, Division Commander Qi will arrange for him to teach them. He knows how to break down the movements, and can also put himself in the shoes of the new recruits to think about the problems that the new recruits may encounter and provide corresponding solutions.

Jiang Anning is also a good student, smart and clever, and learns everything quickly. After Tao Ying and Teng Zhongjun finished their competition, she was able to skate alone on her skates.

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