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Jiang Anning asked the booby to look out for the wind, and she found a hidden big rock to change into her swimsuit.

The red-footed booby came over and rubbed against her. Jiang Anning knew that it wanted to eat the moonlight flower dew. She looked around and saw no one, but for safety, she still held the booby on her legs, covered it with clothes and fed it the moonlight flower dew.

The more moonlight flower dew the booby drank, the more commands it could understand.

"Let's go, take me there."

The booby flew along the coastline for a few minutes, came to a cliff, and flew down.

Jiang Anning stood on the cliff and looked down. The waves hit the rock wall, raising huge waves, and the sound of the waves could be heard clearly from the top.

It was too high, and the little flower demon's legs were weak.

It was impossible to get down from the cliff. She looked at the coastline and planned to swim from the beach to the bottom of the cliff.

Bonito followed her all the time.

"Xiaohong, you will keep watch for me on the shore later. If I don't get up or make this gesture, you will go find someone." Jiang Anning repeatedly confirmed that Bonito didn't understand.

Bonito's eyes flashed with a hint of intelligence and nodded.

Jiang Anning did an experiment and made sure that Bonito remembered it, so she went into the water with confidence. Although she had the golden finger, it was basically impossible for her to get into trouble, but she was afraid that she would not pay attention and get lost in the sea. The waxy layer bubble ran to a foreign country, which was really helpless. There was no way to come back.

If only she could get a compass, even if the waxy layer bubbles accidentally drifted far away, she could still use the compass to find her way back from the bottom of the sea. I'll go back and ask Eun-jin if there's any way to get one.

Jiang Anning swam to the bottom of the cliff, looked around, and after making sure there was no one, she began to dive. After diving into the water, the waxy layer bubbles began to wrap around her whole body.

This was her first dive after she became pregnant. After coming down, she found that the waxy layer bubbles seemed to have changed. Perhaps pregnancy caused hormone changes in the little flower demon's body, and the waxy layer bubbles became more transparent and firmer. Apart from that, there seemed to be no other changes.

The water in this sea area is clear, and there are many plankton living there, which is indeed suitable for the growth of pearl oysters. The further down she went, the darker the light became. Jiang Anning found that her vision was not affected in the sea. It was dark around her, but in her eyes it was as bright as day.

The change in vision seemed to be only for the sea. When she was on the shore, it was dark and she couldn't see anything.

She controlled the waxy layer bubble to swim on the seabed, searching everywhere with her eyes, and soon found the first pearl oyster.

This kind of mother-of-pearl oyster is called the white butterfly pearl oyster, which is a pearl oyster species unique to the South China Sea of ​​my country. The pearls it produces are called "South Pearls". In addition to Haisha Island, there are several other places in my country that also produce South Pearls, but only the high-quality South Pearls produced in Haisha Island have the reputation of "the crown of South Pearls". ①

Jiang Anning put the shell into the nylon net bag and continued to search. This sea area is indeed very suitable for the growth of mother-of-pearl oysters. The further you go to the sea, the more pearl oysters there are. They are densely packed.

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