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Zhou Enjin knew what she was thinking as soon as he saw her expression, and sighed helplessly: "It's not what you think."

"Then, how do I know?" In order to show that he was not making groundless guesses, Jiang Anning also listed evidence, "You are too strong to be normal."

Yes, it is abnormal.

Obviously, everyone has been exercising all night, and he is still the one who works hard. In the end, she is the one who is sore and can't get out of bed. He is full of energy, as if he has taken a big tonic.

If the little flower demon hadn't been sure that he was a mortal, she would have suspected that he had taken her yin to replenish her yang.

Zhou Enjin walked over, picked up the box on the ground, covered it, put it on the table, came to Jiang Anning, lowered her head and asked: "In your heart, do I still need to eat this? So you told my third sister that I can't do it?"


Jiang Anning's almond eyes were blank, "What does this have to do with the third sister?"

"Didn't you tell the third sister that I couldn't do it, so the third sister gave me this." Zhou Enjin raised her eyebrows.

Jiang Anning shook her head like a rattle, "I didn't say that." At this point, she suddenly paused, thinking of Zhou Shuting's strange behavior on the deserted island, and recalling the two of them getting along. It seemed that the third sister became strange after she told Zhou Enjin that Zhou Enjin took birth control pills, "Could it be that the third sister misunderstood?"

Zhou Enjin took the towel and helped her wipe her hair, "Misunderstanding?"

Jiang Anning grabbed the towel on her head, turned around and looked at her lover: "Yes, it was a misunderstanding. It's like this..."

She told Zhou Enjin the conversation she had with Zhou Shuting about having children when they were chasing each other in the sea.

"It's my fault that I didn't explain it clearly, causing the third sister to misunderstand." Jiang Anning was upset, and only then realized that she had made such a big mistake. She secretly glanced at her lover's face: "Are you angry?"

I heard that human men are very concerned about this matter, which is related to the man's face.

"Give me the towel." Zhou Enjin continued to wipe her hair, "Why would I be angry."

That night, Jiang Anning experienced what it meant to be a black-bellied man's words and deeds.

Jiang Anning wanted to cry but had no tears and begged Zhou Enjin to let her go.

Zhou Enjin's suppressed and low voice rang out: "How can you know if it works if you don't try it?"

You said you wouldn't be angry, a petty man. Jiang Anning complained in her heart and was brought into an endless vortex.

At five in the morning, the army canteen was not crowded. Zhou Enjin waited in line with his aluminum lunch box for a few minutes before it was his turn.

"Three servings of sausage noodles, six steamed buns," Zhou Enjin handed the lunch box over and saw that there was tofu pudding today, "Three more servings of tofu pudding, no sugar for An Ning's tofu pudding."

The quartermaster Qin Yue said unhappily, "I see, Old Zhou, you are becoming more and more of a henpecked man."

Zhou Enjin packed his lunch box and glanced at him, "You should love your own wife, you have been single for thousands of years and don't understand."

Unexpectedly, Qin Yue was not angry at all, but smiled brilliantly, "You are a It's an insult, who doesn't understand this. "

Zhou Enjin looked up and glanced at him, "Are you dating someone?"

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