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Jiang Anning was stunned.

Xiao Lanhua turned out to be Lan Ping?

If someone had told Jiang Anning this news before, she would have thought that the other person was joking, and it was not a very pleasant joke.

The warm-hearted elder sister who was willing to share the sour beans she brought with her when she was sick of morning sickness, the Xiao Lanhua who walked with a breeze because she became a female driver, the activist who worked hard to perform and strived to become an advanced individual in the factory every time she transported, turned out to be the cunning, cruel, and ruthless Lan Ping?

Jiang Anning didn't want to believe it, "Could there be any misunderstanding? Isn't Xiao Lanhua the niece of Uncle Xiao? Her relatives and her home are all on Haisha Island, why would she do something that would harm Haisha Island?"

This Lan Ping is not only the mastermind behind this car accident, but she has also leaked information about the troops many times, endangering the safety of Haisha Island.

Although she is not a spy, she is not a good person either. According to her husband's investigation over the years, this person is a gray middleman who started out by selling information. As long as she is paid, she will take any job and has no bottom line.

There are more than 500 people in Red Star. Jiang Anning thought about who might be Lan Ping, but Xiao Lanhua was the only one who was excluded from the beginning like Sister Xiu'e and the others.

Jiang Anning's doubts are also Zhou Shuting's doubts.

"To be honest, I didn't believe Xiao Lanhua was Lan Ping at first. I couldn't figure out why she did this. But Enjin told me that she was Lan Ping. When Xiao Lanhua was arrested, she was sending a message to the capital from her basement, and the content of the report was your situation."

As the two were talking, the door of the ward opened and Zhou Enjin walked in.

Zhou Shuting saw her brother coming and knew that the two must have a lot to say, so she sat up and held her stomach, "Since you are here, you should accompany An Ning and comfort her. She is still unhappy because Xiao Lanhua is Lan Ping."

"Third sister, you go back and watch your stomach."

Zhou Shuting waved her hand, "I know. You can talk slowly." Then she closed the door for the two.

Zhou Enjin sat down beside the bed and tidied up his wife's hair that blocked her view. "Are you still sad about Xiao Lanhua being Lan Ping?"

His wife is a very sentimental person. She cares a lot about friends and family. Xiao Lanhua's exploitation and harm are no less than betrayal to her.

Jiang Anning drooped her head with a sad expression. "I can't say I'm sad. I just think it's too unexpected and I can't accept it for a while."

Xiao Lanhua has so many clients, and there are definitely spies and secret agents among them. But she still didn't care. The news of the troops was leaked, and she didn't consider at all what would happen to her relatives and friends if the island was not safe.

"Enjin, why do you think she would do such a thing? Selling out the information of the troops, selling out the safety of the island, and even ignoring her own family and elders, all for money?"

In this era where everything needs tickets and you can't buy anything without tickets, why did she make so much money?

Zhou Enjin touched her comfortingly: "Don't think about it. She doesn't care about the people of Xiangyang Fishery Brigade, nor does she care whether Haisha Island will fall into crisis, because she is not the real Xiao Lanhua."

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