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The man's lips were warm and dry. He fell on her lips and ate the candy at the corner of her mouth. There was a heat and aggression in his deep eyes that she had never seen before.

He held her face with his hands, and rubbed her red lips with his thumb. The rubbing force became stronger and stronger, and his eyes became deeper and deeper. The gun coil in the tiger's mouth left a shuddering feeling on the white skin.

"Did...did it finish?" Jiang Anning's heart trembled unbearably. She only felt the sweet fragrance of candy on the tip of her nose, mixed with the dry and refreshing smell of his body, blowing on her face.

"Don't move." Zhou Enjin's voice was hoarse and low, and he lied without blushing or beating his heart: "There's more."

Jiang Anning was about to ask where, but her red lips were pursed. All her words were drowned between the man's lips and teeth.

Unlike the kiss that was just like a dragonfly touching the water, this kiss was violent and wild. The little flower demon seemed to be crushed. Her heart was pounding in her throat. She was almost out of breath and could only make a whimpering sound.

After the kiss, the little flower fairy's eyes were moist. She touched her stinging lips and complained pitifully: "It hurts."

Zhou Enjin's Adam's apple rolled, and he looked away. His voice was as rough as sandpaper, "I'll help you apply some medicine."

At this time, a puzzled voice sounded: "Uncle, why did you bite my mouth?"

Tie Niu rubbed his sleepy eyes, leaned over and looked at my mouth carefully, and said with dissatisfaction, "Look, you bit my mouth."

The look was accusatory, as if Zhou Enjin had done something unforgivable.

Jiang Anning blushed a little. He was actually seen by Tie Niu. It was all his fault.

Zhou Enjin touched his nose, cleared his throat, and hugged Tieniu to explain: "Aunt is not feeling well, and uncle is applying medicine to her. If you don't believe me, ask your aunt."

Tieniu didn't want him to hold her at first, and those who bullied her were enemies. After hearing his explanation, she gave up resistance and looked at her aunt with doubtful eyes, clearly asking if it was true?

Jiang Anning's eyes widened when she heard it. He actually fooled the child without blushing or breathing heavily.

Zhou Enjin looked at her innocently.

Jiang Anning bit her lip, and she didn't seem to have a better way. With Tieniu's habit of asking questions without shame, if his curiosity was not satisfied, he would definitely ask more questions, and maybe even ask Wang Fuhua.

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod.

Tieniu was heartbroken, "Aunt, does it still hurt? Uncle, do you want to apply medicine to Aunt?"

Jiang Anning blushed and refused, "No. Aunt doesn't feel any pain. This injury is for adults, you are still a child, you will understand it when you grow up."

Finally, he reminded her, "You are not allowed to ask others."

Tieniu said "Oh" as if he understood, and felt a little distressed. Why do you have to grow up to understand so many things? Growing up is so busy.

Wang Fuhua asked them to eat, and Jiang Anning finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the afternoon, Grandpa Zhou brought the Zhou family to visit Jiang Anning and said goodbye to them.

"Brother, take care of yourselves and your sister-in-law. If you have a chance, you must come to the capital to see me." Zhou Shifeng patted Jiang Quangen's shoulder. His health was getting worse and worse. The old injuries left on the battlefield had recurred due to his age. It was impossible to rely on this body to travel far.

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