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Fang Xiu felt uncomfortable being stared at like that. She avoided the accusing eyes of others, looked left and right, but couldn't find her own Lao Sheng.

"It was Fang Xiu who attracted the wild boar." One of the military wives who were traveling with her said.

No one supported her, Fang Xiu bit her red lips, showing a pitiful expression, and said aggrievedly: "I didn't mean it. It was my first time going up the mountain, and I didn't know there were wild boars there. I just saw the thunder bamboo shoots and wanted to pick them. I didn't know that it would attract wild boars."

Thinking of the scene of being chased by the wild boar just now, Fang Xiu's legs went weak. She underestimated the aggressiveness of the wild boar and almost lost her life.

It must be said that Fang Xiu knows how to use her advantages. She had a pretty face, and her eyes were watery peach blossoms. She had a tearful expression, showing the fear of innocent people after making an unintentional mistake, which won her a lot of sympathy votes.

"It's not her fault. We didn't explain the precautions clearly before we went up the mountain. Fang Xiu, you have to learn from your lesson. Next time you encounter something like this, run to the west as soon as possible. There are soldiers on guard there who can ask for help." Although her sister-in-law was dissatisfied with her for attracting wild boars, she thought that it was her first time to go up the mountain and she didn't know the situation, so she could only blame herself.

Fang Xiu's eyes flashed with a smile of success, and she nodded obediently, "I remember it."

Jiang Anning looked at Fang Xiu, "You lied!"

The military wife who was traveling with her looked at her in confusion.

At this time, Sheng Kaiyuan, Fu Yishan and others who were late arrived. Sheng Kaiyuan walked to Fang Xiu's side, and when he saw that she was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief, frowning and looking at Jiang Anning: "What did Comrade Jiang mean by what he said just now?"

Fang Xiu walked to Sheng Kaiyuan's side and called Lao Sheng softly, her voice was gentle as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Zhou Enjin squeezed Jiang Anning's hand and stood firmly beside her to support her.

"You said you didn't deliberately attract the wild boar, then tell me what's in your backpack?" Just now everyone's attention was on the wild boar, and now the wild boar was knocked unconscious, and the faint smell of blood in the air did not escape her nose.

Everyone looked at the backpack behind Fang Xiu. After Jiang Anning's reminder, everyone reacted.

Fang Xiu was almost killed by a wild boar just now, but she was reluctant to leave the basket behind. It was impossible that there were only wild vegetables in it.

"I don't understand what you are talking about? There are only wild vegetables in the basket. Did you forget that we picked them together?" Fang Xiu subconsciously wanted to hide the basket. Although she smiled on her face, she was angry with Jiang Anning in her heart. The sisters-in-law didn't pursue it. What kind of hero was she here?

Sheng Kaiyuan and his men were all experienced warriors. How could they not see that she was different? Sheng Kaiyuan grabbed the basket.

"Old Sheng!" Fang Xiu's face changed drastically. He tried to grab the basket, but Sheng Kaiyuan dodged and brushed away the layers of weeds on it.

Seeing the scene inside, Jiang Anning's already pale face became even paler.

"Oh my God, it's a wild boar."

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