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"You said that the person who contacted Comrade Shu Ranyue later was not you? Why should I believe you?" Pei Qingsong glanced at Lao Zhou and asked Lan Ping.

"I don't need to lie." Lan Ping smiled bitterly, "My people and my men were all caught by you, what else can I do? You can think I'm hypocritical or I have a guilty conscience. Lin Yue is the only friend who treats me sincerely. Someone pretended to be me and killed her. I can't deny the blame. I don't want her to die in vain."

Speaking of this, she looked at Zhou Enjin, "Captain Zhou, my letters are always sent to these places in the capital. If you find this place, maybe you can know who pretended to be me."

I hope Zhou Enjin can find the murderer as soon as possible, which can be regarded as repaying her friend's sincerity to her.

Pei Qingsong glanced at Lan Ping with his foxy eyes. How could someone who could climb up to the top of the gang be so kind? Who knows if it was just a false sympathy.

After seeing the addresses written by Lan Ping, Zhou Enjin handed them to Pei Qingsong, "Send someone to check."

"I'll go right away."

Pei Qingsong glanced at his expression. Old Zhou looked like nothing had happened, but he must have felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He had hated and searched for the enemy for so many years, but after so many twists and turns, he found that the enemy was actually in the capital.

However, Old Zhou did not show it, and he could not say much. He just patted Zhou Enjin on the shoulder to comfort him.

After Pei Qingsong left, Zhou Enjin sat back in his chair and stared at Lan Ping: "Who told you to attack An Ning?"

Speaking of Jiang An Ning, Lan Ping, the fake Xiao Lanhua, had a flash of guilt in her eyes, but it was fleeting.

She was not the sentimental type, and guilt was just a burden and poison.

Jiang An Ning was a good girl. If she was not Lan Ping, maybe the two of them could still be friends. Unfortunately, the two were destined to be different people, and the closeness in the past was just an illusion.

"He is from the capital. We have been in contact by phone. I don't know his name or who he is. We are just a simple cooperative relationship. He helps me hide my identity and protects me. And I do things for him every year. It is a mutual benefit."

For so many years, she has worked hard without any credit. Now that she is in prison, he certainly can't just sit back and watch. If you want to protect yourself, then go in together.

"Hurry up. They have other spies on Haisha Island. Once they know I'm caught, they will definitely run away."

Hearing this, Zhou Enjin glanced at Lan Ping. It seems that Lan Ping has been resentful of this for a long time. He doesn't mind reaping the benefits of the dog biting the dog.

"Write down the contact number and method."

After Zhou Enjin finished speaking, the warrior who assisted him came forward and handed over paper and pen.

"In addition to these three places, she also gave me a contact number, asking me to go to Guangzhou to find a man named Lu Heping when I needed help. From her tone at the time, she had a close relationship with this man Lu Heping."

The close relationship with Lan Ping certainly does not refer to a general relationship, but a relationship between a man and a woman.

Zhou Enjin paused, "Lu Heping? The northern buyers who competed with the Red Star Factory for raw materials were arranged by Lu Heping for you?"

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