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Knock, knock! There was a knock on the door.

Han Limei knocked on the door, "Brother-in-law Qin, it's me."

The door was opened, revealing a middle-aged man with a big belly and a slightly bald head, smiling with a greasy face: "It's my sister-in-law, please come in."

Qin Kaiyang invited Han Limei to sit on the wooden sofa and poured her a cup of tea, "Look, who made our Limei angry, tell your brother-in-law, and your brother-in-law will help you vent your anger."

"Who else could it be," Han Limei took a sip of water and said in a gentle tone: "It's the person you sent to collect the cans. Brother-in-law, you can't let him have an easy time, you must punish him severely."

"Is it Xiao Li?" Qin Kaiyang immediately looked serious, "This is outrageous, dare to bully you, This is not taking me, the manager, seriously." He sat down next to Han Limei and patted her leg, "Calm down, I'll let him go later. Are you happy now?"

Han Limei hummed in grievance and told him what happened just now.

When Qin Kaiyang heard that it was because of the purchase price, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, but his face remained calm.

Han Limei didn't notice the change in the people around her, and she said to herself: "Brother-in-law, tell me, we clearly agreed on 50 cents per can, but he actually told me 35 cents, and said you gave it to him. Isn't this bullying?"

Qin Kaiyang's hand never left her legs, and he sighed when he heard it, "Limei, I did say that."

"Brother-in-law?" Han Limei bit her lip and looked at Qin Kaiyang in disbelief.

"It's my fault. We agreed to sell it for 50 cents a can, but who knew that there was a bumper harvest of mangoes this year, and mangoes around Guangzhou couldn't be sold at a good price, so the price of canned mangoes naturally dropped. We can only sell it for 35 cents because my brother-in-law fought for you."

Han Limei's eyes were red with grievance, and she grabbed Qin Kaiyang's arm and shook him: "But brother-in-law, we can't make any money at such a low price. You asked them to buy the mangoes, but now you can't sell it for 35 cents." You can't just ignore them now."

Qin Kaiyang touched her hand, "There is a way." At this point, he paused, "I can give you 40 cents a can, but in this way, I will take the risk. If my family knows about it, it will be embarrassing. After all, you and I are not brother-in-law and sister-in-law. I can't take the risk for nothing and get nothing."

He touched her hand with a strong hint.

"Brother-in-law." Han Limei said shyly, but in her heart, she greeted Qin Kaiyang's eight generations of ancestors.

Seeing Han Limei like this, Qin Kaiyang no longer concealed himself and could not wait to make his move. Han Limei cooperated well afterwards and gave Qin Kaiyang a lot of sweet things except for the initial lust.

Of course, she was not stupid. She was only willing to give some sweet things and not more.

The two sat on the chairs in the office, Han Limei frowned slightly and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Qin Kaiyang had just tasted the sweetness and was very nice to this capable sister-in-law.

"What else can I do? I'm afraid I'm going to lose this competition." Jiang Anning's first batch of honey was nearly 200 kilograms, and four yuan per kilogram was more than them. Although there are still a lot of mangoes, Jiang Anning and the others will also take more honey, and it is still unknown who will win or lose.

"Brother-in-law, can't you help me think of a solution? You are the purchasing manager of the department store, and you have the final say on how much to charge. Please help me." Han Limei hugged his arm and acted coquettishly.

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