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Sister Qian took out a handful of melon seeds from her pocket and handed them to Qiu Yu. The two of them ate the seeds while waiting.

Sister Qian glanced at Jiang Anning and the others, and seeing that they were not panicked at all, she frowned, "Qiu Yu, is everything you said before true? You are not lying to me, are you?" The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

Other military families in the Military Family Courtyard knew that she had left the factory. If Jiang Anning and the factory were fine in the end, she would be the biggest joke in the Military Family Courtyard.

Thinking of this, Sister Qian looked at Qiu Yu unkindly.

Qiu Yu was disdainful in her heart, but on the surface she took her arm warmly, "Sister Qian, look at what you said. Your husband is my husband's boss, I can't fool you no matter who I fool."

She looked around, confirmed that no one noticed their conversation, and patted her hands, "Just wait and see. This time Jiang Anning will be skinned alive. Yesterday I happened to see Deputy Head Sheng and Team Leader Qu meeting, guess what I heard."

Sister Qian asked curiously, "Could these two people know each other?"

"More than knowing each other, let me tell you," Qiu Yu whispered a few words in Sister Qian's ear.

Sister Qian's eyes were full of surprise, "Really?" Team Leader Qu turned out to be the uncle of Deputy Head Sheng, and he also had a grudge with Team Leader Zhou.

"Of course it's true. You forgot that Deputy Director Sheng has a brother." At this point, Qiu Yu whispered, "It was because of Director Zhou's death."

Sister Qian had heard about this. Director Zhou was still a new recruit. He took Deputy Director Sheng's brother with him on his first mission. In the end, Deputy Director Sheng died.

Qiu Yu smiled and said, "Now you can rest assured. I've asked someone about it. This Team Leader Qu has done a lot of such things in the capital. If Jiang Anning falls into his hands, he will definitely take the opportunity to retaliate."

Sister Qian had also inquired about this. She had a distant niece who was an actor of the Capital Ballet Company and happened to be under Qu Jun's command. Otherwise, just relying on Qiu Yu to give a few big groups, she would not be willing to give up such a big piece of fat meat in the factory. The main reason was that she was afraid of being implicated.

Before, she was still worried whether Team Leader Qu would let Jiang Anning go for the sake of Captain Zhou. Now that she knew that the two families were separated by a life, she felt much more at ease.

Qiu Yu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Sister Qian stopped asking questions.

At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd, and someone said, "Here they come."

Then Qu Jun led the members of the review team and Division Commander Qi to the front of the auditorium. Division Commander Qi went up first and said, "I believe that everyone already knows about the factory and Comrade Jiang Anning being reported. The review team has already investigated the truth. Now please let Team Leader Qu announce the results."

Qu Jun smiled as he stepped onto the stage and glanced at Jiang Anning below, "Now, on behalf of the review team, I will announce the results to Division Commander Qi, Chief of Staff Luo, and all the military personnel present. The results of the inspection. The applause was dumbfounded, and I didn't understand why it was the result. With his means, can't he just fabricate some evidence?

Why is Jiang Anning fine?

Qiu Yu's face turned pale, puzzled.

Sister Qian looked at her with eyes that almost tore her apart. If the division commander and the leaders of the troops were not present, she would have rushed over long ago.

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