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Jiang Anning looked in the direction of Wang Fuhua's finger, and a tall figure covered in dust stood not far away and looked at her.

She opened her eyes in disbelief, fearing that it was her own hallucination. Did he really come back?

"Mom, is it Enjin?" She bit her lip and asked Wang Fuhua with trembling lips.

Wang Fuhua knew how much her daughter missed her son-in-law, so she gently pushed her, "Go, it's the son-in-law."

Jiang Anning's tears came out all of a sudden after confirming the answer.

It has been almost three months since her husband left, and she has not missed him for a single day. When she wants to share delicious food, she misses him. When she cries at night because of leg cramps, she misses him. Especially when she wakes up in the dead of night and touches the empty space beside her, she misses him even more.

It was the end of January, and the Kapok flowers on the roadside were blooming one after another. The fiery red flowers stood on the branches, like fist-sized flames.

The green forest in the distance, the red flowers and green scenery turned into an illusory background in her eyes, and only the familiar figure in it was clear and bright.

It was really Enjin, he was back.

The loss just now disappeared without a trace, and a huge surprise filled her heart, just like the fiery red Kapok flowers on the branches.

Zhou Enjin ran towards her.

Jiang Anning pursed her lips, held the belly-supporting pants made by her sister-in-law, and walked quickly towards Zhou Enjin.

"Slow down, youngest daughter, walk slowly. Be careful of gravel." Wang Fuhua reminded anxiously behind her.

Although Jiang Anning was anxious, she was not indifferent. Hearing this, she walked towards her husband more steadily.

Wang Fuhua saw that her youngest daughter listened to the advice and did not follow, so she stopped.

Zhou Enjin ran over at a faster speed when he saw his wife walking towards him.

Jiang Anning saw that her husband was about to run to her, but she stopped running. She stood there and looked at her husband's handsome and strong face, which became clearer and clearer, and her eyes were blurred with tears.

Zhou Enjin stood in front of his lover, his eyes were gentle, his eyebrows slightly tired, and his eyes looking at his wife were full of love and longing. He wiped her tears, "Anning, I'm back."

Jiang Anning opened her arms and hugged Zhou Enjin, her head resting on his chest, her voice aggrieved, "Enjin, I miss you."

Zhou Enjin hugged his lover and kissed her forehead, "Anning, I miss you too."

Days and nights on Little Oak Island, as long as he stopped, his mind was full of his wife's figure, worried that her belly was too big and it was inconvenient to go to the toilet, worried that she had leg cramps at night when he was not around, and worried that the children would make trouble for her.

He had always been calm and steady, and he had never thought that one day he would miss someone so much. In order to be able to come back in time for the Chinese New Year, he led the soldiers of the Third Regiment to work hard, and finally harvested the coffee on the small oak island on the 28th day of the lunar month.

Fortunately, it was the rubber harvesting period, otherwise he would not be able to come back.

Jiang Anning felt at ease in Enjin's arms, and the familiar scent of soapberry was at the tip of her nose. It can be seen that this man rushed back all the way and even went to the dormitory to take a shower.

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