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The sound of gunfire echoed through the coconut groves on the coast.

The chaotic scene suddenly became quiet, and all the people who were fighting stopped.

Jiang Anning and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zhou Enjin coming. They took the opportunity to separate the two sides of the fight with the soldiers who rushed over.

The people of Qingshui Brigade had weapons, and Qian Youlai and his men also found wooden sticks. People on both sides were injured. Except for the people who were led by Qian Youlai, Qian Youlai was the worst beaten.

Although Qin Yue and the others tried their best to protect him, they couldn't stand him and the people he brought with him.

The people of Qingshui Brigade all stopped when they saw Zhou Enjin and looked at their own captain.

The captain Wu Jinong signaled them to come back.

The dark-skinned young man Ajun and his companions helped their injured companions back to the captain's side and confronted the people from the factory and the army.

Zhou Enjin put away his gun, walked quickly to his wife, looked her up and down, and said, "Are you okay?"

"Nothing is wrong." Jiang Anning shook his head.

Zhou Enjin's tightly locked brows relaxed a little, retracted his gaze, led people to the middle of the two sides, and his eyes fell on Qian Youlai, "Are you the researcher transferred from Hepu to the Fisheries Research Institute?"

Qian Youlai covered his bruised face and raised his head and chest, "Yes, I am Qian Youlai who came to support your factory. Comrades of the People's Liberation Army, you have seen it all, all these injuries on my face were beaten by this group of unruly people, the troops must take charge of me, you quickly let someone catch them."

Jiang Anning was speechless when he heard this, he was beaten so badly but still didn't tell the truth.

It was the first time that the little flower demon saw such a clueless person. Just based on his appearance, he was not needed to cultivate pearl oysters. We have to find a chance to send him back.

"Captain, I told you they are all in the same group." Ajun and several young men glared at Qian Youlai.

"That's right, brothers, confiscate their property and drive them out."

"Drive them out." The people of Qingshui Brigade roared.

Wu Jinong asked everyone to be quiet, his face, which was exposed to the wind and sun, was uncertain, "Captain Zhou, we don't want to conflict with the troops, please take these experts away from our territory."

Zhou Enjin looked at Wu Jinong and the people of Qingshui Brigade: "Captain Wu, fellow villagers, rest assured, the troops belong to the people, and will never do anything to harm the people. We will give everyone a satisfactory explanation for what happened today, please Be patient. "

Qian Youlai stared at Zhou Enjin in disbelief: "Have you figured out that they are not victims of the way they beat me? You didn't help me, but you helped this group of unruly people."

Zhou Enjin stared at Qian Youlai with his sharp eyes and said coldly: "The army doesn't need Qian to tell you how to do things. Qian should keep his mouth shut first."

Is this soldier warning him?

Qian Youlai was born in a noble family and was a rare shellfish research expert in this era. He had never been so angry before and was about to get angry.

But when he bumped into Zhou Enjin's cold and serious eyes, he shuddered for no reason and held back the insults that were about to come out of his mouth.

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