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After buying the ingredients, Jiang Anning and Auntie Niu rushed to the family compound. She carried a large basket on her back, which contained the chicken, duck, and fish meat she had bought, and a bamboo basket of morels covered with leaves in her hand.

On the way, they met other aunties in the family compound. They were curious to see that Jiang Anning had bought so many things.

"Anning, are you going to have guests? Why did you buy so many things?" The basket was so heavy, and no one knew what was bought. She must have bought meat, and maybe chicken.

Shitou Nai swallowed her saliva and kept looking into Jiang Anning's basket, but unfortunately the basket was covered by her coat and she couldn't see.

Jiang Anning didn't expect to meet Shi Tounai, who had similar interests to Zhao Guihua and was a well-known loud speaker in the family compound. If she knew anything, it would spread throughout the family compound within an hour.

Fortunately, Wang Fuhua had given instructions before coming, and Jiang Anning followed Wang Fuhua's instructions and said, "A friend my father knew before is returning to his hometown to worship his ancestors. He happened to pass by Jincheng and wants to come to see us. Ladies, it's getting late, and my mother must be waiting anxiously at home, so I'll go first."

As she said that, she dodged to the side, avoiding Shi Tounai's hand that wanted to take the leaves off the bamboo basket.

Shi Tounai took back her hand awkwardly and pouted, but her eyes never left the bamboo basket and the backpack.

Aunt Niu and the other aunts had something to say, so they didn't stay with Jiang Anning.

After walking quickly for more than ten minutes, I finally saw the house in the courtyard of the radio factory. A thin figure sat at the door and kept looking around. When he saw me, he limped over.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jiang Anning felt that Tieniu ran faster today, and the leg with problems walked more smoothly.

"Aunt, you're back." Tieniu stood in front of Jiang Anning, blinking his big eyes, looking at the candied haws and swallowing his saliva. Although he wanted to eat it, he didn't forget to inform her, "Grandma went to my second aunt's house. She asked me to tell you that you don't have to wait for her to eat at noon."

"Did something happen at my second aunt's house? Did your grandma say when she would be back?" Jiang Anning handed him the candied haws in her right hand, "Eat slowly. Don't Get it on your clothes, or your grandma will beat you again."

"I know." Tieniu responded, and happily took the candied haws. He didn't rush to eat it, but looked around. After confirming that no one was around, he whispered to his aunt: "This morning, the third aunt came to see grandma and said that the second aunt had an affair with the widow in their factory and was caught in bed by the second aunt. The second aunt's house is very lively now."

What kind of explosive news is this? Jiang Anning looked at Tieniu's gossipy face and felt a little entangled: "You are a child, you won't grow taller if you listen to these things. Stay away from this kind of thing next time."

Tieniu pouted, and the old aunt would lie. But he was a sensible and good child, so he would not expose the old aunt.

Back home, the house was quiet. Wang Fuhua had cleaned up the house inside and out, even the spider webs in the corners.

There was no decoration at that time, and the walls were all exposed bricks, which would easily fall off over time.

Although Wang Fuhua had a hot temper, she actually loved cleanliness in private. When she didn't have putty, she went to the waste station to find unused newspapers and books to paste on the walls. She also made a wooden frame on the wall, nailed it with some nails, and hung things that were not used on weekdays on it, freeing up a lot of space. So her house looked very spacious, unlike other houses that were full of things and looked cramped.

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