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The Capital Audit Delegation, headed by Qu Jun, went to the office of the sideline group on the first day of their visit. They saw the lychee honey and various dried fruits and jams inside and asked many questions.

Throughout the process, Qu Jun and his team did not seem to be investigating, but rather seemed to be visiting and asking some basic questions.

Jiang Anning was a little unsure of what Qu Jun was up to, so she followed Auntie Sun Fang's instructions and cooperated throughout the process, telling him everything she knew.

Qu Jun seemed to be very satisfied with her cooperation. After the first day, he was so friendly that it seemed as if they had been friends for many years.

It was very strange.

If you say he was targeting me, he didn't do anything targeting me. If you say he was fair, he would dig holes in his words every now and then. If she hadn't been alert, he would have tricked her.

Aman, who was accompanying her, glanced at Qu Jun and whispered, "An Ning, why does this review seem so simple? Does it mean that they know there is no problem with us, so they are just going through the motions?"

Even Aman thinks so, it seems that she is not making a fuss.

Jiang An Ning looked at Qu Jun who was talking to the engineers of the construction factory in the distance, frowned and said, "Before the review results come out, everything is possible. We should do what we should do and carry out the affairs of the sideline group according to the plan."

Although Aman didn't quite understand, she knew that An Ning must have her reasons for saying so, so she just did it, "Sister Xiu'e and the others are still waiting for my news, I'll go and talk to them first."

Jiang Anning nodded, "Go ahead, I'll be with you here. If you have any questions, I'll handle them when I come back."


After Aman left, Qu Jun came over after chatting. Seeing Aman's back, he casually said, "Is this comrade Aman also an employee of the factory? She seems to listen to you very much."

Jiang Anning was polite and distant, "Comrade Qu is joking. I am the acting factory director and she is an employee. She obeys orders in order to better serve the factory. There is no such thing as listening to me very much."

Qu Jun smiled and did not continue the topic. Instead, he looked up at the sky, "It's getting late. Let's go here first today. Thank you for your hard work, Director Jiang."

"This is what we should do." Jiang Anning was businesslike.

Seeing that he had no intention of continuing the tour, Jiang Anning handed him over to the security guard Xiao Zhang and turned to the office of the sideline business group.

Sideline business group office.

Guo Xiu'e and her team were busy purchasing mangoes. Although there was no definite news from the Railway Bureau, Jiang Anning was confident. She was afraid that it would be too late, so she started to make some preparations now.

Even if the Railway Bureau didn't want it, she had other ways to sell it.

Take dried mangoes for example. She felt that the technical content of dried mangoes was not high. Everyone could make it, and they had no advantage. But after the Railway Bureau's audition and comparing the dried mangoes of other companies, she realized how precious the Li ethnic group secret recipe that Aman brought was.

In addition to the secret recipe, their biggest advantage lies in quality control.

Perhaps it was because the industry was not developed at that time, and everyone just wanted to make it delicious, without considering how to make the taste of each batch of dried mango slices similar.

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