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Jiang Anning frowned, and even her voice was a little bit smiling: "No more contraception?"

"No." Zhou Enjin's voice was thick and hoarse. As he said that, he took off his white vest and walked towards Jiang Anning.

The sea breeze slowly slipped into the bedroom through the gap of the window. The bamboo bed in the dim house made a creaking sound, and occasionally there were coquettish sobs and low voices, intertwined together.

"Zhou Enjin, be gentle!" Jiang Anning bit his shoulder angrily, but couldn't bite it, so he could only grind his teeth like he was venting his anger.

Zhou Enjin groaned, held her and turned around, changing their positions, "Do it yourself, huh?"

The "huh" was slightly raised like a hook, with a hint of laziness and hoarseness, as well as a touch of undisguised badness.

"Do it yourself?" Is that what she meant?

Jiang Anning couldn't help but think of a picture, and her whole face turned red like a cooked shrimp.

In the faint moonlight, she saw that the deep eyes had lost their usual coldness and were stained with a hint of love.

Male beauty is seductive.

Jiang Anning only had these four words in her mind. Her heart was shaking, she felt powerless, and she begged for mercy by uttering a few words: "You should do it."

Then there was a violent storm, lingering and clinging.

The storm stopped, and everything was very quiet.

Jiang Anning lay quietly in Zhou Enjin's arms, doing nothing, listening to his heartbeat. It was like beating on her heart.

It was lively and powerful, full of security.

Zhou Enjin hugged his lover and kissed her forehead.

Jiang Anning rested her head on his arm, and the skin under her hand was rough, which was the scar on Zhou Enjin's body.

The wolf claw marks on Zhou Enjin's chest disappeared long ago, but he still had many scars of various sizes, both new and old.

In addition to the gunshot wound, Zhou Enjin also had knife scars of various sizes, especially the wound that ran diagonally from the left rib to the right waist, which almost penetrated the entire abdomen. Although many years had passed, it was still clearly visible.

"How did he get this injury? Was it caused by a knife?" Jiang Anning stroked the scar.

"It was a dagger." Zhou Enjin's voice was a little hoarse: "When I was 18 years old, I had just become the squad leader. I was slashed by a little girl while trying to rescue hostages held on an island by transnational traffickers."

Jiang Anning raised his head and was surprised: "Little girl?"

"After rescuing all the hostages and evacuating, the little girl held by a soldier and I suddenly No one expected that the pair of twins who looked thin and dark like kittens were actually the leaders of this group of traffickers. I was injured, but the warrior stayed on the island forever. Because of the enemy's support, he didn't even have time to take away his body. "

If he had been more careful at the time and could have noticed the abnormality of the twins in advance, Sheng Kaijie might not have died.

Zhou Enjin's voice was calm and steady, but Jiang Anning still heard the guilt and regret in his tone.

"It's not your fault, it's the enemy who is too cunning." Jiang Anning hugged him tightly.

The dawn was slightly broken, and Zhou Enjin got up before the wake-up call as usual.

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