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"Teacher Lu, you said you just didn't mean it, but I don't think so. Saying such words without meaning it shows that you really think so in your heart. You don't think there is anything wrong with a child, and that's the most terrible thing."

"That's right, children are sensitive and listen to teachers the most. They will take your unintentional words seriously. Who knows if they will be used as a gun by you."

"When you said that, I suddenly remembered the daughter of Captain Cao's family. Her stepmother treated her well and told the girl that she would love her even if she gave birth to a younger brother. How could she suddenly have the idea that a younger brother would snatch her love away?"

"I also think it's not right. I remember the day when the daughter of the Cao family pushed someone, Teacher Lu, you seem to have been looking for the Cao family alone. Will you say something? "Lu Xiaozhu held his fist in his hand, and his palms were sweaty. "Cao Daya is a good child. I thought that after I talked about her, she would be relieved. Who knew that she would do such a thing later. It was my teacher who was not in place and did not find her strangeness in time." Lu Xiaozhu was very panicked, and he didn't understand how good the good was. It was just a simple teacher who saw that the child was unhappy and went to talk to her to comfort her. Other teachers often do this. It's no big deal.

Yes, it was a very common thing. Cao Daya pushing people had nothing to do with her.

Jiang Anning watched the changes in Lu Xiaozhu from the side. She didn't expect that Lu Xiaozhu, who looked pretty, was actually a venomous snake that would bite people. What did she do?

Based on her guilty expression just now, even if Cao Daya's pushing was not her instigation, she was definitely not unrelated.

If such a person stayed in the school and continued to teach children, who knows how many children would be harmed.

"Teacher Lu, we were just guessing unintentionally, but you couldn't stand it, like a cat whose tail was stepped on. Cao Daya wouldn't really be a cat when she pushed people. I think we should investigate this matter thoroughly, so as not to wrongly accuse you." Jiang Anning cracked melon seeds and suggested with a smile.

"Director Jiang, this... don't worry, the two things are not related. The Cao family is already sad enough because of the child's miscarriage. How can I bear to expose other people's scars for my own sake." Lu Xiaozhu's fake smile on her face could hardly be maintained, for fear that Jiang Anning would stir up more things.

Then it would not be a simple question of whether to be a teacher or not, and she might even be sentenced and sent to labor reform.

Instead of staying here and arguing with others, it is better to leave. Later, she can pretend to be sick and take leave to avoid the limelight. After a long time, this matter will be over.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaozhu subconsciously wanted to run away, but Jiang Anning had already predicted her thoughts. As soon as Lu Xiaozhu moved, Jiang Anning shouted out.

"Teacher Lu, you don't want to leave. We just suggested to investigate Cao Daya's matter, and we didn't say anything. If you leave now, it will make you look guilty."

After Jiang Anning said this, everyone looked at Lu Xiaozhu with a strange look in their eyes. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that this matter would not really have anything to do with her, Lu Xiaozhu.

Oh, this is terrible.

Lu Xiaozhu was in a dilemma. If she stayed, she would just have to wait for the judgment passively. If she left, she would be guilty and might even be investigated.

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