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However, the man who might be Jiang Anning's uncle was also surprised by the two people's resemblance, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect there is such a magical thing in the world, two strangers actually look so much alike."

Jiang Anning has been paying attention to the other party. The other party's attitude seems to be surprised, and he doesn't think there is a blood relationship between the two.

It shouldn't be.

When the uncle was lost, he was already ten years old. The original body was sick with a fever and couldn't remember. The uncle should remember it, right?

Could it be that he recognized the wrong person?

Two people who have nothing to do with each other look very similar. Even the real person was surprised when he saw it, and even wondered if he had a relative who was stranded outside.

The little flower demon was not sure. In her previous life, she had seen such things on human TV. Not only that, but there are more than one.

If she really made a mistake, she would go up to him and claim her relationship with him, which would not only be embarrassing but also impolite.

Jiang Anning could only follow the other person's words and sigh that it was amazing. He said with a joking attitude, "But I do have a relative who is living outside. He is my uncle, who got lost when he fled from famine in 1959. I just saw you and thought you were him."

"It's a pity, but I am indeed not your uncle." Kong Lingsheng has a gentle appearance and a gentle personality. "I was already ten years old in 1959. That was when I followed my family to the island to play wild."

Jiang Anning paused after hearing this, "Comrade Kong remembers what happened when he was ten years old?"

Kong Lingsheng was very sure, "Of course I remember, and I remember it very clearly, so I said I can't be your uncle."

Jiang Anning was disappointed. It seemed that he really made a mistake. But he really looked like he met the conditions that his mother said. The age matches, especially the eyes, which are exactly like his own.

Kong Lingsheng seemed to see her confusion and explained: "I have my mother's eyes, and Li Sheng can testify to this."

Li Sheng patted his chest and said, "Old Kong is not lying about this. Old Kong's eyes are indeed like my aunt's. If you really want to say they look alike, you and my aunt really look alike, not only in the eyes, but also in the arc of the corners of your mouth when you smile."

It seems that he really recognized the wrong person. Jiang Anning apologized embarrassedly: "Sorry, I should have recognized the wrong person."

"It's okay, I understand." Kong Lingsheng didn't take it to heart. He understood the pain of losing a loved one, so he also understood Jiang Anning's desire to find his loved ones.

When his elder brother, who depended on him for life, left, he couldn't believe it. When he saw someone with a similar back on the street, he would think it was his elder brother.

With the introduction of the team leader Xiao Jinming, Jiang Anning learned the names of the two people. The man who looked like her was called Kong Lingsheng, and the other younger male comrade was called Li Sheng. Both of them were staff members of the Haisha Island Fisheries Research Institute.

When Kong Lingsheng heard that Jiang Anning was the director of the Red Star Factory on Haisha Island, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Director Jiang is really young and promising!" Such a young and promising female director is rare.

"Comrade Kong is overjoyed. It is the trust of the troops. I have also caught up with the good times." Jiang Anning said modestly.

"That's because Jiang Anning is capable enough." Kong Lingsheng felt really close to Jiang Anning. If he hadn't remembered his life before the age of ten, he would have suspected that he was Jiang Anning's lost uncle.

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