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Jiang Anning carefully talked about Jiang Aijun's love of eating chicken butts. To be honest, the two are really alike, they both like eating chicken butts.

"My third brother also likes to eat chicken butts in one bite, saying that this is the best way to experience the deliciousness of chicken butts."

Jiang Anning looked at Kong Lingsheng's familiar yet unfamiliar face, and the more he looked, the more he felt that he looked like his uncle.

This satisfied look of eating chicken butts cannot be said to have nothing to do with the third brother, it can only be said that it is exactly the same. Is he really not the uncle?

Is there any hidden secret? Maybe find an opportunity to let Enjin find out more about Comrade Kong's family situation. There is no breakthrough here, maybe there will be in his family.

"Your third brother knows how to eat chicken butts." Kong Lingsheng applauded this statement, and even felt a little regretful: "Your third brother is the third person I met who likes to eat chicken butts. If he was in Haisha Island, we would definitely become friends."

There are not many people who like to eat chicken butts, and he can meet three of them. Jiang Anning was curious: "Besides you, who is the other one?"

Kong Lingsheng was stunned, and his expression was calm: "It's my eldest brother. My eldest brother is two years older than me. He likes chicken butts very much. He said that it tastes oily and fragrant. When our family killed chickens in the past, the chicken butts were all given to my eldest brother to eat."

Jiang Anning felt strange. Comrade Kong seemed to like to mention his eldest brother very much. He only said that his eldest brother liked to eat it. Could it be that he didn't like it before?

"I really don't like it." Kong Lingsheng sighed, revealing a nostalgic expression: "My eldest brother likes to eat it. My eldest brother is two years older than me, but unfortunately he died early. I didn't eat chicken butts before, but after he died, one day, I saw chicken butts and suddenly felt that they were very fragrant. I tried it with a try attitude, and I fell in love with it from then on."

"Sorry! I shouldn't be curious." Jiang Anning felt guilty for his recklessness.

"It's okay, he has been dead for many years." Kong Lingsheng didn't care on the surface, but he couldn't forget it in his heart.

If it weren't for saving him, my eldest brother wouldn't have been swept away by the rip current, and even his body couldn't be found. He was the one who shouldn't have survived.

Captain Xiao's wife, Aunt Xiang, came out with a steaming sand pot, and a unique fragrance floated out.

Captain Xiao quickly went over to take the hot clay pot from the woman's hand with a handkerchief and a wooden tray, complaining: "Why are you showing off, old woman? Who told you to carry such hot things? You told me to do it, but you didn't even call me when it was ready."

Auntie Xiang glared at him, "It's not like I don't have hands. It's just a clay pot. It's not like I can't carry it. Besides, aren't you entertaining guests?" After that, she showed a friendly and enthusiastic smile and looked at Jiang Anning and others: "Director Jiang, you are making fun of me. This old man is just worried, don't worry about him. Come and taste the sea duck I stewed, which is the seafood duck we raised ourselves."

Jiang Anning smiled: "Auntie Xiang's cooking must be good. I was so hungry when I smelled it just now. I must try it."

Aman, Kong Lingsheng and others also nodded in agreement: "Yes, we must try it."

"I am embarrassed to say that. It's just a farm dish. It's not as good as you say, Director Jiang." Auntie Xiang smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into a slit. She kept picking up food for a few people, "Eat more. I stewed this with wild wine cake le that has been growing for 30 years."

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