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The dim lights of the train station shone on the crowded crowd, and the halo rendered yellow in the evening.

Jiang Anning held up her military coat and red scarf.

The capital is really cold in winter. This kind of cold is different from the cold in Jincheng. It is dry and cold. When the north wind blew, the cold froze her cheeks.

Zhou Enjin noticed his wife's coldness and said, "You won't be cold when you get on the train later."

Not only was she cold after the long journey, she was also hungry. There was a roasted sweet potato seller at the entrance of the train station. Zhou Enjin handed the things to Zhou Xinghe and went over to buy a few roasted sweet potatoes.

"An Ning, here." Zhou Enjin kept one and gave the rest to Hu Yuxiu and the others, "Dad, sister-in-law, these are for you."

Because they were going to eat soon, Zhou Enjin picked small roasted sweet potatoes and bought one for each person, just enough to fill their stomachs.

In such a cold day, Jiang Anning held the roasted sweet potatoes with woolen gloves, just like holding a hand warmer, and her frozen fingers became flexible again under the comfort of the sweet potatoes.

The roasted sweet potatoes have wrinkled skin. After peeling off the skin, there is roasted red sweet potato flesh inside, which is soft and sweet. When you put it in your mouth, the warmth spreads from your mouth to your limbs.

"Is it delicious?" Zhou Enjin saw that there was sweet potato on the corner of his wife's mouth, and reached out to wipe the sweet potato off the corner of her mouth, "Eat slowly, don't burn it."

"Delicious." Jiang Anning smiled and nodded, looking like a satisfied cat.

The two looked at each other, and there was a warm friendship in their eyes that others could see at a glance.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xingyun felt as if something was blocking his heart, and he felt uncomfortable.

Did she really fall in love with her uncle? Why did it become like this? He was her husband in her last life, why did he change in this life?

The distance from the train station to the old house courtyard was very close, and the jeep drove more than ten minutes to get there.

Grandpa Zhou looked contented with having a grandson, holding An An tightly, which made Zhou Xinghe jealous. "Grandpa, I am also your grandson. I didn't see you care about me so much when I came back this time."

"Stinky boy, why didn't I care about you when you were a child? You wanted to ride a wooden horse, but grandpa did it for you." Grandpa Zhou was not happy. "You come to the old house every day. Tell me how many orchids you have killed. What can I say? You are so old, and you are still jealous of a child."

When it comes to orchids, Zhou Xinghe shuts up immediately, not daring to tell grandpa that the orchids he just planted died again.

The courtyard of the Zhou family's old house is in Dongcheng. The antique buildings are built in imitation of the Jiangnan gardens. The rockery and running water in the yard are very beautiful.

Seeing that his wife liked it, Zhou Enjin said, "I'll take you around when it's daybreak."

Jiang Anning nodded and followed her sister-in-law into the living room.

Zhou Shuting and Pei Qingsong were warming themselves by the fire in the house. Only a few areas had heating these days, and the Zhou family's old house was one of them.

But in this era, most of the heating was done by coal-fired boiler rooms, which were not very efficient. The Zhou family still relied mainly on coal-fired heating.

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