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The secret to making donkey huoshao delicious lies in the huoshao and donkey. Donkey is best marinated with aged soup, but this is not possible, so Jiang Anning changed the method.

Boil the donkey in warm water, add her unique ingredient package, put it on the small stove next to it, and stew it with a slow fire until the donkey is slightly flavored. When it is cooked through, you can cut it into pieces and eat it with green peppers for a better taste.

This method is quite similar to the meat bun in Shaanxi Province, but the taste is different, they are completely two different things.

Perhaps for the convenience of transportation, my husband's comrade-in-arms chose a donkey raised in the wild. Although this donkey is not as big as the domestic donkey, it is better in terms of meat quality. The donkey meat is reddish brown, and the fat is a light yellow with a little luster, with the right amount of fat and lean.

The low fire on the stove is bubbling, and the fragrance is drifting out of the kitchen.

"An Ning, what are you doing? I smelled it on the way, it smells so good." Zhou Shuting's belly is not yet visible. She has been suffering from severe morning sickness during this period, making her look pale and thin.

Jiang An Ning opened the lid, looked at the donkey meat, and took out a small piece from it, "This is the donkey meat that En Jin brought back. Keep it at home for dinner today. Call Brother Pei over later."

"It just so happens that the old Pei family sent some food over. Heat it up later." Zhou Shuting handed the things in her hand to An Ning, "This is the imported milk powder and cod liver oil that the old Pei relatives bought from the port city. It can improve the baby's immunity. Give An An a little every day."

"Why give so much? Is your third sister enough?" Zhou Shuting gave three cans of milk powder and four bottles of cod liver oil. These things can be stored and eaten for a long time.

Zhou Shuting: "There's more at home. If An'an finishes, I'll have more."

"Thank you, Third Sister. I'm worried about the inconvenience of breastfeeding every day." Now there are many things to do in the factory, so she can't breastfeed anytime and anywhere. There is no refrigerator at home, and the breast milk can't be kept for a long time.

When breastfeeding is inconvenient, An'an can only eat formula. Jiang Anning is not that kind of traditional mother who insists on breastfeeding her child and sacrifices her own life.

It is also very hard to breastfeed exclusively, and her husband is reluctant to do so, so An'an has been alternating between breast milk and formula after one month. Don't worry about the little guy, with the formula exchanged for moonlight flower dew, he grows up healthier than ordinary children.

Jiang Anning was a little worried before, but after the examination, she found that the little guy's development was better than other children, so she was relieved.

The two families lived close to each other and had a good relationship. They often had dinner together. The grain coupons and meat coupons of the two families were not clearly divided, and they were all handed over to Aunt Liu for management.

Zhou Shuting walked to the stove and said, "Tieniu, Siming, you guys go play in the yard, Third Aunt will light the fire."

Tieniu and Siming: "Thank you Third Aunt, Old Aunt/Pretty Aunt, let's go out and play with my brother An'an."

"Wait." Jiang Anning gave each of them a piece of the donkey meat she had just cut, and asked them to go out and play. She also picked up a piece for Zhou Shuting, "Third Sister, how does it taste?"

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