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The hot breath entangled, Zhou Enjin's thin lips fell, and dazzling peach blossoms bloomed on her pink skin.

It was a night in early March, the temperature had not yet warmed up, but the temperature in the room kept rising.

"Are you ready?" A low and hoarse voice sounded in my ears.

Jiang Anning's heart trembled, and he buried his head in Zhou Enjin's neck, and uttered a "hmm" at the end of the tone.

Suddenly, the sound of a chair being knocked over came from the next room. The bang was particularly loud in the silent night, and then the sound of a water cup being smashed "clack" sounded, and it seemed that the panic of the next-door guest could be felt.

Jiang Anning and Zhou Enjin were both frozen.

Only then did I realize that the walls of the guesthouse were so unsoundproof.

If I remember correctly, the person living next door should be Xiao Liang. Realizing this, Jiang Anning's face suddenly turned red and she buried her face in the pillow.

She was too embarrassed to see anyone.

Zhou Enjin gritted his teeth, but had to give up. He took a deep breath, hugged the shy Jiang Anning and kissed her forehead, "Go to sleep."

Xiao Liang looked at the fallen chair and the broken water cup and supported his forehead.

He really didn't mean it, he just wanted to drink a glass of water. Who knew that he would accidentally trip over the chair and knock over the water cup when he got up.

He shouldn't have left home and stayed in the guesthouse because it was late. This is the end.

It was late at night and Jiang Anning slept soundly. A big heater in the quilt was not too friendly to the tropical flowers that were afraid of cold.

It was just hard for Zhou Enjin, who couldn't fall asleep while hugging his newlywed wife.

He got up quietly and took a cold shower to calm down the fire in his heart. He was afraid that his wife would be frozen by the cold, so he did dozens of push-ups on the ground to warm up before going to bed.

As soon as he opened the quilt and lay down, his newlywed wife followed the heat and rolled into his arms.

Thinking that it would take several days to return to the island, Zhou Enjin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

According to the custom of Jincheng, the third day after marriage is to return to the parents' home. After getting up, Jiang Anning and Zhou Enjin went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things and returned to the family compound.

As soon as he walked into the family courtyard, he saw a familiar figure, sitting in the old position waiting for someone. As soon as he saw her, Tieniu's tears came out all of a sudden, and he rushed into Jiang Anning's arms like a whirlwind.

"Aunt, you are finally here, I miss you so much. Woo woo." Although he promised not to cry when he saw his aunt, Tieniu still couldn't help crying when he really saw her.

Jiang Aijun had a headache and complained to Jiang Anning: "You don't know, this kid woke up before five o'clock, and he didn't want to sleep, and insisted on waiting for you here."

Jiang Anning wiped his tears, "You cried like a little cat. Look, what did your aunt bring you?"

Tieniu cried enough and raised his head.

Zhou Enjin handed over a handful of White Rabbit milk candies.

Who knew Tieniu would tearfully plead with Zhou Enjin: "I don't want candy, can you give my aunt back to me?"

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