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After hanging up the phone, Jiang Anning walked to her lover's side and looked at his expression.

Zhou Enjin frowned slightly, thinking about other things. Noticing his wife's gaze, "Is the Canton Fair going smoothly?"

Jiang Anning nodded, "Sister Xiu'e said that half of the sales task has been completed. Has the rubber shoes been negotiated?"

"The commander asked Comrade Wu Xuechen to negotiate. We can leave at any time."

"That's a good thing. Then... what were you thinking about just now? Why are you frowning?" Unless something big happens, her husband rarely shows this expression.

Zhou Enjin rubbed his wife's head, "You can't hide anything. The border has been uneasy recently, and southern fishing boats are often harassed when they go out to sea. The division commander ordered me to lead the team to escort and patrol the border. I can't go with you to the Canton Fair."

The country has only been established for more than 20 years, and there are all kinds of noises on the border. There are always people who want to find opportunities to test.

Hearing this, Jiang Anning bit her lip and looked at her husband worriedly, "Will there be any danger?"

"Don't worry, not for now. I don't know when I will be back this time. If you need help, remember to ask your brother-in-law and third sister. If they are not here, you can ask Song Dashan or Captain Fu for help."

Zhou Enjin told his wife a few words, and his deep eyes looked at his wife's face, as if he wanted to imprint it deeply in his mind. "Regarding the rubber shoes, the division commander sent someone else over. I'm leaving."

Although such escorts are usually not dangerous, nothing is absolute. This is how soldiers are. Every time they go on a mission, they must be prepared to deal with all emergencies at any time.

Jiang Anning also knew this truth. She couldn't bear to leave her husband and was even more worried about his safety.

She also wanted to see her husband every day like an ordinary couple and find him whenever she needed him.

But she knew clearly that she couldn't stop him. This was his mission and responsibility. From the day she chose to become a military wife, she knew that a separation like this could happen at any time.

Because she loved him, she supported him to do what he wanted, just as he never stopped her from working at the factory.

All she could do was to live her life with An'an and wait for him to come back safely.

Looking at her husband's tall back as he left, Jiang Anning suppressed the surging emotions in her heart and rushed over to hug him from behind.

Her face rested on his back, feeling his hot body temperature, "Enjin, you must come back safely."

Zhou Enjin turned around, hugged his lover into his arms, and kissed his wife's forehead, "I will."

At this moment, the two forgot that they were outside and hugged each other and said goodbye without hesitation.

After Zhou Enjin left, Jiang Anning put all his attention on the Canton Fair. Considering that they had to stay until the end of the Canton Fair, Jiang Anning discussed with Aunt Liu and decided to take Aunt Liu and An'an with them.

Tie Niu temporarily followed his master, Dr. Ning.

"Aunt, will my brother forget me after he comes back?" Tie Niu looked at his big-eyed brother, very rare, where was the original dislike.

Jiang Anning comforted him: "Aunt and brother will only be gone for about half a month, and will be back soon. You must listen to the master, and don't forget to fill in the exercise booklet that Aunt brought you. After the Canton Fair, Aunt promised you that I would take you to Guangzhou for fun, okay?"

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