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Hearing Zhou Enjin's voice, Jiang Anning looked over.

Zhou Enjin was wearing a navy uniform, with an upright posture, and he held out his hand to her with a gentle smile.

He was handsome, especially when his sharp eyes like a falcon looked at her with infinite friendship.

"Anning, I'm here to pick you up." Zhou Enjin said again.

Jiang Anning's heart skipped a beat.

"The bride is stunned by the groom." The people around followed suit, and the room was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Jiang Anning's face flushed, and she stammered, "You...you're here." She gave her hand to Zhou Enjin and asked Zhou Enjin to pull her up. Unexpectedly, her legs were numb from sitting for too long, and she didn't get up for a while, and she was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Then she felt a pair of strong and powerful hands holding her up.

"The groom is holding the bride. Look at the strength. An Ning will have endless blessings in the future." The people around her started to make a noise, and Jiang An Ning buried her face in Zhou Enjin's neck out of shame.

A blush climbed up her jade-white cheeks, like a peach blossom about to bloom, dazzling and charming.

Her breath was hot and scorching, and Zhou Enjin's body temperature also rose straight up, and her neck and ears turned red, "Don't bully my wife."

"The marriage hasn't even been completed yet, and you're already protecting her. You'll definitely be a daddy in the future."

The child didn't understand, and saw the people around him making a noise and followed suit: "Henchman, daddy."

There was laughter all around, and the atmosphere in the room became even more lively.

Being teased by the people around her, even Zhou Enjin, who was always calm, couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment.

Xiao Liang, who was happy, clapped his hands and cheered. Zhou Bapi actually had this day. Look at that neck and ears, they were so red.

Zhou Enjin wanted to carry Jiang Anning out, and Jiang Anning quickly said, "No, I can walk down by myself."

In this era, people are more reserved when talking about dating and marriage. Even married couples rarely have intimate behavior in front of outsiders. If she was really carried out like this, she probably wouldn't have to live like a human being.

The two looked at each other one after another. The people around didn't know what pink bubbles were, but they just felt comfortable and happy when they saw it.

Xiao Liang's eyes fell on Jiang Aimin who was standing aside.

Seeing the love between her sister and brother-in-law, Jiang Aimin's heart was also happy. Knowing that her sister was going to marry so far away to follow the army, she had been worried. Now that she saw Zhou Enjin cherish her sister so much, she felt relieved.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was watching, the usually strong female police officer secretly wiped away her tears. As soon as she raised her head, she met Xiao Liang's eyes.

Although Jiang Aimin was carefree and had not yet opened her eyes to love, she couldn't help blushing. Avoiding Xiao Liang's eyes, she followed behind her brother-in-law and sister, taking care of her sister at any time.

Seeing her shy, Xiao Liang also smiled. If he moved faster, maybe he could get married before Zhou Enjin gave birth. Hehe!

The Jiang family had a very good hand in marrying off their daughter this time. Because the Zhou family was in the capital, Mr. Zhou specially discussed with the Jiang family and the two families held a wedding together.

The family courtyard was very lively, with more than ten tables of different sizes, each with ten dishes, which symbolized perfection. The dishes were also very rich, with not only a piece of Houttuynia fish, a plate of twice-cooked pork, but also braised pig's trotters and stewed chicken. Four meats plus six dishes, such a feast is rare even in Jincheng.

Not to mention that everyone had a handful of wedding candy, and each table of gay smokers also had a box of Daqianmen cigarettes. A box of Daqianmen cigarettes cost 34 cents a pack at that time, which was almost enough to buy half a pound of fat meat. Even if you have money, you may not be able to get so much. I heard that the Zhou family specially asked for it through connections.

An Ning is a lucky child, to be able to marry into such a family.

Jiang Quangen and Wang Fuhua led the newlyweds to toast at each table and introduce them. After a round of toasts, Zhou Enjin was a little drunk, and Wang Fuhua asked Jiang Aijun to help her son-in-law go to the bridal chamber to rest.

Everyone else went out to eat, and Jiang Anning stayed to take care of Zhou Enjin. She got water from the enamel basin and prepared to wipe Zhou Enjin.

As soon as she wiped Zhou Enjin's face with the handkerchief, her hand was grabbed.

"Are you awake?"

Zhou Enjin didn't say anything, holding her hand, and his eyes, which were brighter than usual, stared at Jiang Anning.

It seemed that there was a beast hidden in the dark eyes, wanting to tear her apart and eat her.

Jiang Anning blushed when she was looked at, and looked away: "Since you are awake, wipe yourself first, I will go out and make you some sobering soup."

"Ah~" Jiang Anning screamed, and was pulled into Zhou Enjin's arms, which frightened her. Thinking that there were so many people outside, she pushed him in a scolding manner, "Let go first."

Who knew that Zhou Enjin hugged her tighter, "No."

"No, what if someone comes in?" Just thinking about that scene, Jiang Anning couldn't lie down, and pushed Zhou Enjin up.

Zhou Enjin's hot breath blew on her neck, and his voice was hoarse: "No one will come. As long as someone approaches, I will know."

Jiang Anning knew that he had good hearing. Last time, he could distinguish everyone in their family just by listening to their footsteps. He said that, and he was not lying.

Zhou Enjin finished speaking, fearing that Jiang Anning would object, and looked at her pitifully with his red eyes after drinking, "Stay with me for a while, just a while."

Why is he still acting coquettishly? Jiang Anning looked at his face and asked suspiciously, "Are you... drunk?"

Zhou Enjin looked at her eagerly and hugged her a little tighter.

Facts have proved that when men, especially men like Zhou Enjin, act coquettishly, women have nothing to do.

It's like a big golden retriever.

Jiang Anning's hands itched and wanted to touch it.

Thinking that his lover was drunk, she became timid and reached out to stroke the big dog's head, smiling.

It was really satisfying.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Zhou Enjin's puzzled eyes, Jiang Anning withdrew her hand guiltily and looked at the Plum brand watch on her hand.

This is one of the three-turn and one-ring watches Zhou Enjin sent. It is said to be a foreign brand, brand new and shiny.

"You can only stay for a while, just one minute, no more." Jiang Anning counted the time, lying in Zhou Enjin's arms, smelling his breath, feeling particularly at ease.

Zhou Enjin glanced at Jiang Anning with a smile, and lay down contentedly.

Jiang Anning knew nothing about this, her eyes were on the watch, and her ears were listening to the movement outside.

When it was almost one minute, Zhou Enjin heard Jiang Aijun's footsteps, and was reluctant to let go of his wife, intending to wait until Jiang Aijun walked to the door before letting go.

When the others walked to the door, he was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Jiang Anning also heard the footsteps, stood up suddenly, and pressed on an unspeakable position, causing Zhou Enjin to gasp in pain.

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