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Tieniu opened his hand that was covering his mouth a little and sniffed to see if there was still any smell. He just let go a little and was hit by the stench that hit his face. This time he covered his mouth more tightly.

He looked at his uncle with a look of regret, walked over, took out a few dollars from his pocket, and put them in Jiang Aijun's hand: "Uncle, use this money to buy some snacks, don't, don't eat shit."

Jiang Anning came out of the kitchen and heard this, and almost laughed to death. He looked at Jiang Aijun and teased: "Brother, look how sensible Tieniu is. He knows how to be filial to you at such a young age."

Tieniu laughed: "I think so too." At this point, his little face suddenly wrinkled into a ball, as if he thought of a picture, and said seriously: "Uncle, it's better not to eat shit, People will laugh at you if they know. And eating shit is unhealthy."

As if he had made some important decision, he looked at Jiang Aijun and said, "If you really want to eat, eat mine. The teacher said that children's is healthier than adults." Third uncle is the elder, so he, the younger generation, will sacrifice a little.

Jiang Anning heard Tieniu's earnest advice, and laughed unkindly, holding his stomach, "I can't help it, hahahahahaha."

Jiang Aijun was so angry that he fell backwards, gritting his teeth and said, "You are so filial."

He walked over and stuffed the money back into the kid's pocket, "Keep the money for yourself to buy food, Third uncle didn't eat shit."

Tieniu didn't believe it, and Siming didn't believe it either. Jiang Aijun took a lot of effort to make the two kids understand that the stench was the smell of durian.


After finishing his official duties, Zhou Enjin came out of the office. Instead of going home directly, he went straight to the office of the quartermaster.

Qin Yue was checking the recent progress of the farm and processing plant. Seeing Zhou Enjin, he said with some surprise: "Why do you come to my place instead of going home after work?"

Since getting married, Zhou Enjin has become a good husband. He goes home as soon as he gets off work. He and Song Dashan not only teased him for flirting with relatives and friends, but also for not attending small group gatherings.

As a result, this guy is not only unrestrained, but also shows off his affection in front of them in various ways.

"Lao Qin, teach me how to cook with sour beans." According to Fu, the local pregnant women like to eat dishes made with sour beans, which can not only prevent blood pressure and refresh the mind, but also treat morning sickness.

"Is your sister-in-law's morning sickness serious?" Qin Yue looked worried. Normally, if she was feeling unwell, she should rest at home, but now the factory was at a critical stage and she couldn't leave her sister-in-law. "Tell me, which dish do you want to learn? Fish soup with sour beans, sour bean jam, fried pork slices with sour beans, or sour bean cake?"

Zhou Enjin put the basket full of sour beans on the table. "One dish is not enough, I'll learn all."

The quartermaster rolled his eyes at him unhappily. "I can also make sweet and sour pork ribs with sour beans, minced meat with sour beans, sour bean eggplant, and pickled sour beans. Do you want to learn all?"

Zhou Enjin: "Since you said so, I will learn it."

The quartermaster rolled his eyes at him, "I was just being polite, do you take it seriously? The donkeys in the production team don't dare to do that."

Zhou Enjin glanced at him, "Don't be so self-deprecating, you are still better than the donkeys in the production team."

The quartermaster was stunned and thought: "Since Sheng Kaiyang passed away, this is the first time you have joked in such a serious tone."

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