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Division Commander Qi was also very upset. Zhou Enjin was not only the youngest son of the old leader, but also a soldier he had trained.

"Song Dashan, go back and rest first. I will send someone else to take care of Zhou Enjin." After saying that, he looked at the guard Xiao Zhang: "Xiao Zhang, go and call Fu Yishan, the deputy commander of the Second Regiment."

"Yes, Division Commander."

After Song Dashan left, Division Commander Qi paced back and forth in the office. Soon there was a knock on the door, "Come in."

Fu Yishan saluted.

Commander Qi then briefly explained the mission, "You lead the team to search carefully near the sea where Captain Zhou disappeared, and you must find Captain Zhou. I have arranged the boat, and we will set off immediately."

Fu Yishan's eyes were firm, "I guarantee to complete the mission, please rest assured, Commander."

Commander Qi waved his hand, "Go."

On the boundless sea, Zhou Enjin was clinging to a piece of driftwood, with one arm on the driftwood, and the rest of his body was soaked in the sea.

His lips were pale, and there was a knife wound on his arm, and it was still bleeding. Because he was afraid that the smell of blood would attract sharks, he could only keep his right arm on the board and did not dare to change his position.

After recognizing the direction, he swam towards Haisha Island, but he was now in the high seas, at least 200 nautical miles away from Haisha Island, and it was impossible to swim back.

The best way is to find an uninhabited island to stay and wait for Song Dashan and his men to come to rescue.

But there was endless sea all around, and there was no sign of an island.

Family courtyard.

Jiang Anning was a little surprised when she heard the request of this military wife: "Didn't you sell all your mangoes to Han Limei and her team?"

Although she is now the leader of the sideline team, Han Limei and her team have already paid for the mangoes, so they should belong to Han Limei. Even if they need to be dealt with, they should be dealt with by Han Limei and her team.

Hearing Jiang Anning's question, another military wife couldn't help but complain: "Sister Anning, you don't know, we didn't sell the mangoes to Han Limei, we gave them to her as a gift."

Jiang Anning raised her eyebrows. Is "given" what she understood?

The military wife's next words confirmed her guess. It turned out that most of the mangoes in Han Limei's office were not paid for. Han Limei promised to pay them one by one after the canned goods were sold.

"At that time, Han Limei said that they didn't have that much cash. If we wanted to sell the mangoes to them, we could only record it first and settle it after we sold the canned fruit to the department store and got the money. We thought that she had a relationship with the purchasing manager of Yangcheng Department Store and was definitely not afraid of not being able to sell it, so we agreed."

Speaking of this, the military wife sighed: "We went to Han Limei to settle the bill just now, but who knew that she would turn her face and ignore us. In addition to handing over the money to the collective, Qiu Yu and the others only got 10 yuan each, and she took the remaining hundreds of yuan."

They also went to Han Yuying's aunt, and she wanted to take responsibility, but she couldn't take out so much money for the mangoes in the house. It's impossible to settle only them and not others.

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