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"Do we know this comrade? It's not appropriate to curse right away." Jiang Anning raised her eyelids and looked at her coldly.

Han Limei couldn't believe it, "You don't know me? I'm Han Limei." Didn't Captain Zhou ever mention her to her?

She bit her lip, unwilling to believe that the man never took her to heart. Didn't my aunt say that Captain Zhou treated her differently, but he didn't dare to disobey his parents' orders, so he didn't treat her with color.

Is it all fake? Was she willing to do it in the past?

No, this woman must have used some means to force Captain Zhou.

Didn't Fang Xiu say it?

This woman chose Captain Zhou's nephew at first, and later changed her mind when she knew that Captain Zhou was young and promising. She looks like this, especially her figure and face. As long as she wants to seduce, any man can't resist.

Captain Zhou might have fallen into her trap and made the same mistake that all men would make.

Thinking of this, Han Limei suddenly became clear-headed, and looked at Jiang Anning with some displeasure: "I said my name is Han Limei."

"Oh, I know." Jiang Anning turned around several times and looked back at her unceremoniously, "Are you the woman who is obsessed with my lover?"

In terms of yin and yang, Jiang Anning is not inferior to anyone. Moonlight flowers look gentle and white, but they are also thorny.

Before the marriage, her lover mentioned it to her. It seems that Chief of Staff Luo's lover wanted to marry her to him, but Zhou Enjin didn't agree, so she kept chasing him.

Now... is he going to cause trouble for her?

"You!" Han Limei choked, and was furious. "Don't be so proud. If it weren't for the old man of the Zhou family, do you think Captain Zhou would marry you? Captain Zhou and I are the most suitable..."

"Limei, shut up!" The person who spoke was a woman who came with Han Limei. She looked to be in her forties, wearing a simple green military uniform. Her facial features were not very recognizable, but she gave people a very comfortable feeling.

She walked in front of Jiang Anning and said in a gentle tone, "You are the wife of Captain Zhou, right? I am Comrade Han Yuying, the wife of Chief of Staff Luo. This is my niece Han Limei. I am really sorry for what happened just now. This child has been spoiled by her parents since she was a child and can't speak. I apologize to you on her behalf." She pulled Han Limei over and said, "Apologize to the wife of Captain Zhou."

"Aunt! I didn't say anything wrong, why should I apologize?" Han Limei glared at Jiang Anning.

The military wives around Jiang Anning were not happy, especially Guo Xiu'e. Sister Anning was the one who saved her life. Anyone who dared to bully Sister Anning would have a hard time with Guo Xiu'e.

Guo Xiu'e immediately walked up to Han Limei, stared at her and said rudely: "Comrade Han Limei, you are a high school student, how can you be so thick-skinned? Captain Zhou has clearly rejected you, but you insisted on fighting and now you are cursing in front of Sister An Ning. You can't be so shameless. You have been educated, so you should understand this principle better than us rough people."

"Xiu'e is right. You are also a girl, you should know the importance of reputation to women, and you should be more polite."

"Talking nonsense is slander, you are a smart person, you shouldn't make such a mistake."

The military wives spoke up for Jiang An Ning one by one.

Han Yuying was embarrassed and said again in a stern voice, "Limei, apologize!"

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