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"It's impossible. How could such a fair and clean girl be an enemy spy? Look how pretty she is when she smiles, just like the big cakes sold at the market in my hometown." Song Dashan's eyes widened and he looked in the direction of Jiang Anning. He couldn't believe that such a pretty girl could be an enemy spy.

"And she had a cotton padded jacket in her hand, and her collar was wet and covered with fish scales. She must have been one of the people who had gathered nearby, and her clothes were wet and she wanted to find a place to change."

"You are right, but the enemy this time is very powerful. We cannot take it lightly even if there is only one percent uncertainty." Zhou Enjin stared at Jiang Anning with sharp eyes, "The more innocent people look, the easier it is for people to let down their guard. Especially this kind of beautiful, weak and non-aggressive person, once it is an enemy spy, the damage caused is also huge. Never underestimate the evil of the enemy."

Song Dashan always felt that the tone of Lao Zhou's words was particularly heavy, but seeing his expressionless face, he was not interested and continued to lie under the fallen leaves.

It was just the beginning of spring, and it had rained last night. The ground was wet, and the cold penetrated into the bones.

The fallen leaves on them were from last autumn. They looked intact on the surface, but they had already rotted underneath.

In addition to the bad smell, there were also various microorganisms and insects flying around, biting people and making their skin itchy.

Even though they were itchy all over, Zhou Enjin and Song Dashan did not move.

Zhou Enjin's eyes never left Jiang Anning. His lean and powerful body was like a sharp arrow ready to be launched, ready to pierce the enemy's throat at any time, and at the same time, it could instantly turn into a shield to protect our people.

Although he said that Jiang Anning might be someone sent by the backstage to pick up He Yuncai, she might also be an innocent person.

It is important to catch the enemy spies and complete the mission, but protecting the safety of the people is also the unshirkable responsibility of the military.

Jiang Anning on the other side knew nothing about the existence of Zhou Enjin and the others. She wandered around and finally found the location of the air-raid shelter.

No wonder she couldn't find it after searching for a long time. It turned out that it was blocked by vines.

It was not yet dawn, the light was insufficient, and the air-raid shelter was in a shady place, so the light was even dimmer, so that Jiang Anning didn't see the shallow gray footprints covering the air-raid shelter entrance.

Although it was a bit dark, it was exactly what Jiang Anning wanted. After all, she was going to change clothes, and it would be easy to be seen if it was too bright.

But she didn't plan to go too deep inside. It was dark in the cave, and who knew if there would be any danger. Just change at a point near the entrance of the cave.

"Old Zhou, should we stop her? What if she is not the one who came to pick up the rescue and bumps into the injured He Yuncai? It might be dangerous."

Song Dashan's worry is not unreasonable. From the days of arresting He Yuncai to the days of playing the long game to catch the big fish, they have fought with He Yuncai many times. He is definitely not a soft-hearted person.

"If she really came to change clothes, she wouldn't go inside. She can change clothes at the entrance of the cave or in the bright place under the moonlight."

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