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Hearing this, Mrs. Cao turned pale and trembled as she leaned towards Han Limei, "Comrade Limei, I..."

"Shut up!" Han Limei's eyes were cold, and Mrs. Cao was so scared that she dared not speak.

On the other side, Zhou Shuting fed Wang Guifen licorice water to relieve the drug's properties, and helped her to rest on the bamboo bed beside her.

Commander Qi looked at Ning Yuanshan, and his always approachable face was intimidating without anger: "Doctor Ning, what are the results of the examination?"

Ning Yuanshan handed the composition report in his hand to the commander: "Comrade Qi, Comrade Shuting found the ingredients of the knockout drug in the rice wine residue, which is Datura."

After reading the result report, Commander Qi's face became more and more ugly. If there was more Datura in the rice wine, the person would not be just sleeping.

The military families around were talking about it, and they looked at Old Lady Cao with disgust and fear.

"Now that the evidence is solid, what else can you say? How dare you say you were wronged?"

"This kind of person dared to use pesticides to poison bees this time, and next time she will dare to use pesticides to poison people. We can't let her go."

"Yes, she must be severely punished."

Old Lady Cao was accused and was a little scared. Seeing that Han Limei didn't care about her, she immediately put on a crying and regretful look: "I was just confused for a moment, and I don't know why I did such a thing. I just thought about it wrongly, and I really didn't mean it. You are a magnanimous person, don't bother with me, an old woman."

Just cry. Anyway, she is an old woman and she doesn't want money. Even if she is given a life, they dare not ask for it. Just a few bees, can they eat her?

Until this moment, Mrs. Cao is still thinking about how to get away with it. She has no regrets at all. Or if she regrets, it's not about poisoning the bees, but regrets not to act earlier and let people catch her.

Jiang Anning sneered: "At this point, you are still lying. You are an illiterate rural woman. Do you know what Datura is? How can you make a knockout drug? It's obvious that someone instructed you."

Datura is also called Datura stramonium and mountain eggplant. Most people only know that it is poisonous and can be used as medicine, but they don't know that it can be used to make knockout drugs. How did Mrs. Cao know this?

Han Limei's face changed in the crowd.

Old Lady Cao dodged her gaze, "I don't know what you are talking about. I picked up this medicine from my hometown and brought it here. No one gave it to me. No one told me to do it. I am old and my mind is not clear. I made a mistake on impulse."

At this time, Wang Guifen woke up. She was confused at first, but she was so angry that she trembled after knowing the truth.

Hearing what Old Lady Cao said, she rushed to Old Lady Cao in anger and asked with tears in her eyes, "Mom, how could you do this? You know how important these bees are to us, why do you still do this? You can't bear to see me and our family doing well."

She didn't understand. She was submissive to Old Lady Cao because she wanted harmony in her family, but her tolerance only made Old Lady Cao get worse. Sister An Ning is right. She has to establish the harmony of the family by herself, instead of expecting her to compromise.

It is said that honest people rarely lose their temper, and they will explode only when they can no longer bear it. Although Wang Guifen has a soft personality, she is a good executor. She is down-to-earth and can quickly understand her intentions and deliver results that exceed her expectations.

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