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"An Ning-"

Zhou Enjin's voice penetrated the orange sunset, was carried to the boat by the sea breeze, and fell into Jiang Anning's ears, familiar and kind.

"Third sister, Captain Fu, it's Zhou Enjin, it's him." Jiang Anning's voice was brisk and revealed an unconcealable joy.

Although Bonito said that Zhou Enjin was fine, Jiang Anning was still worried because she hadn't really seen him. She didn't sleep well for a day and a night. Sometimes she had nightmares about Zhou Enjin being in trouble and woke up in a cold sweat.

Now that she saw Zhou Enjin was safe, she was slightly relieved.

Not only her, Zhou Shuting and Fu Yishan also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zhou Enjin.

Jiang Anning stood on tiptoe, leaned on the railing, leaned forward, put his hands on his mouth and expanded them into a trumpet shape, and shouted to the shore: "Zhou Enjin, we are here to pick you up."

The fishing boat was still some distance away from the shore. The beach of the uninhabited island was full of reefs. Fu Yishan couldn't find a place to dock for a while, and it was not convenient to dock too far in the sea.

Zhou Enjin motioned them to follow, and took them to the mangrove forest on the other side of the uninhabited island to find a place to dock.

Zhou Enjin stepped on the tangled roots of the mangrove forest and jumped in the forest, quickly rushing towards the boat.

Watching Zhou Enjin shuttle through the forest, Jiang Anning's heart beat fast, until this moment she let go of her thoughts like a tide.

Clearly that person was right in front of her, and clearly that person was running towards her at a high speed, but she was filled with longing. She knew that in front of him, she didn't have to pretend to be strong, and her fear and her longing could be shown without reservation.

Fu Yishan dropped the anchor and stopped the boat in the water, then lowered the boat, drove to the mangroves, and tied the boat to the roots of the mangroves.

As soon as the boat stopped, Jiang Anning couldn't wait to jump off the boat, ran towards Zhou Enjin, and threw herself into Zhou Enjin's arms.

Zhou Enjin caught his lover and hugged her tightly.

Jiang Anning was held in his strong arms, and the sound of his heart beating in her ears, and her tense nerves finally settled down.

"Zhou Enjin, do you know that you almost scared me to death?" Jiang Anning buried her face in his chest, her voice filled with infinite grievance and longing.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry." Zhou Enjin hugged her, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

No one knew that Zhou Enjin, who was always fearless, would actually be afraid, afraid that he would never see his lover again, afraid that she would cry if he was gone.

As long as he thought of that scene, the always cold-faced and cold-hearted Captain Zhou's heart was twisted into a ball.

Fu Yishan and Zhou Shuting looked at each other in surprise when they heard Zhou Enjin's gentle voice that was almost squeezing out water.

Is this still the cold-hearted Captain Zhou/brother who never smiled? It's like a different person.

Fu Yishan saw Zhou Enjin coaxing Jiang Anning, and his eyes were opened again. Who said that Lao Zhou couldn't coax a woman? That's because he hadn't met his younger brother's wife. Look at the tone and attitude, an absolute master.

Last time he still needed to teach, but this time he mastered it and surpassed him. He was careless.

It was early May, and the mosquitoes in the mangroves were fierce and numerous, but the two people seemed to be shielded, and did not attract mosquitoes at all. Instead, Fu Yishan and Zhou Shuting were buzzing with mosquitoes.

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