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The Canton Fair was founded in 1957. It is held in spring and autumn every year. This is the 31st Spring Canton Fair.

Before the exhibition started, Jiang Anning specially arranged a week to take the workers who were going to the exhibition to do rehearsals, imitating the situations that might occur at the exhibition, so that everyone would have a bottom line in their hearts and not panic when encountering problems.

Today is the last rehearsal. After more than an hour of rehearsal, Jiang Anning showed a touch of satisfaction.

The workers who participated in the rehearsal looked at Jiang Anning with some nervousness.

They did not dare to slack off this week. They even practiced in their sleep and dreams. Can they really meet the requirements of the factory director? Will they embarrass the factory and the country?

"Everyone performed very well. At the exhibition, we should perform according to the content of our drill this week. Keep calm and don't panic." Jiang Anning was not comforting everyone. Although everyone was a little nervous and flustered at the beginning, they all handed in satisfactory answers after this week's training.

"Director, can we really do it?" Can she, a rough guy who didn't even graduate from elementary school, really do it well?

It was Guo Xiu'e who asked the question, but this sentence was also the voice of others.

They are not unconfident, but they have never participated in such a big scene and are too nervous. Once nervous, it is easy to have random thoughts, afraid that they will not do well, and afraid of accidents.

At this time, they need authoritative people to give them confidence. And Jiang Anning is the most powerful person in their hearts.

Jiang Anning knew that everyone needed his encouragement, so he said, "Don't doubt yourself. There is one fact that I haven't told you about the drill mission. In fact, the training missions I arranged for you are all of the highest requirements. You only need to perform 60 points of your usual training to cope with the trade fair, so don't be nervous, have confidence in yourself, and have confidence in my training arrangements."

When these words came out, everyone really breathed a sigh of relief. They can have no confidence in themselves, but they will not have no confidence in Jiang Anning.

In their hearts, the factory director is the most powerful, no doubt about it. If the factory director says it's okay, it must be okay.

It's not that they are blind, but countless facts in the past have told them that the factory director's decisions have never been wrong.

Moreover, the factory director said that 60 points would be enough. It might be difficult for them to get 100 points, but they still had the confidence to get 60 points.

In the past week, except for the first day of training, the worst performance of them did not fall below 60 points in the subsequent training.

With this thought, everyone's fear of the trade fair was eliminated by half. Although there was still tension and pressure, these tensions and pressures would not crush them, but instead became their motivation, urging them to do better.

In order to successfully hold this trade fair, Division Commander Qi specially sent the chief steward and Zhou Enjin to bring people to help. Together with the factory staff, there were a total of 30 people going this time.

On the morning of April 12, two Jiefang trucks carried them and all the samples to the Haisha Island Pier.

At that time, the Canton Fair implemented a highly centralized and unified foreign trade system. Only eight import and export companies in the country and a few companies in Haishi, Guangzhou and other regions were eligible to participate. The Red Star Factory was affiliated with the Guangzhou Import and Export Company.

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