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The health center of the troops on the island.

A tall woman pushed a medical cart to open the ward, saw Zhou Enjin on the bed, and smiled and said, "Are you awake?"

Zhou Enjin said "hmm", sat up with his hands on the bed, and glanced at the person who came, "Why are you here?"

"Recently, there is a shortage of medical resources on the island, and the hospital has transferred me to support." Zhou Shuting parked the cart, took the bandage and medicine and came to the bedside, reaching out to lift Zhou Enjin's shirt.

Zhou Enjin dodged backwards and used his uninjured hand to block, "I'll do it myself." Just as he was about to unbutton his shirt, he caught a glimpse of Zhou Shuting's interested eyes and ordered her to leave expressionlessly: "You get out first."

"No way, you're even avoiding me." Zhou Shuting's bright eyes were incredulous, "I'm not an outsider, I'm your sister. We took a bath together when we were little, and I've seen your little calf."


Zhou Enjin didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of oppression.

Zhou Shuting curled her lips, her bright eyes looked pretty even when she rolled her eyes, "You are still as careless as when you were a kid, so boring. I don't know how my sister-in-law can stand you. Are you really not going to tell her about your injury?"

Zhou Enjin was silent for a few seconds, her face still expressionless, "It's just a minor injury, nothing serious. If I tell her, she will worry."

Zhou Shuting's eyes widened in surprise. I didn't expect that the thorny tyrant who was fearless in the past would become soft and gentle one day.

What kind of person is Jiang Anning? She can't wait to meet this sister-in-law.

However, seeing that her brother had no sense of crisis at all, Zhou Shuting still nodded at him: "I advise you to tell your sister-in-law that you think you are doing it for her good, but for her, this good thing may not be what she wants."

Hearing this, Zhou Enjin was silent. After a moment, he glanced at his third sister who had been staying in the ward, "I know, you can leave."

Look at what kind of tone this is? It's a pity that she just reminded him. Judging from his tone, I don't know if he listened or not.

Zhou Shuting pretended to be sad, "Brother is older than sister, you are a heartless guy." After saying that, he turned around, opened the door and left.

Zhou Enjin unbuttoned his shirt with difficulty, revealing the wound.

The claw mark was from the left shoulder to the chest, bloody, and the wound looked serious. Fortunately, it was only a flesh wound, otherwise it would be troublesome.

As soon as the alcohol was poured on, blood immediately oozed out, but Zhou Enjin acted as if nothing had happened, not even a groan.

"Knock knock." The door was knocked.

Zhu Dali glanced at his angry sister-in-law beside him, swallowed his saliva, "Leader, it's me."

"The door is not locked, come in."

Jiang Anning pushed the door open and walked in, and Zhu Dali closed the door very tactfully.

Zhou Enjin was applying medicine with his back to the door, and he didn't hear any sound for a long time. Looking back, he, who never knew what nervousness was, was at a loss.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Enjin glanced at the door. Didn't Zhu Dali say not to tell Anning?

"What are you looking at? Are you still looking for trouble with Comrade Dali?" Jiang Anning glared at his lover: "If I don't meet Dali, you won't tell me? Is this what you said about us being revolutionary partners and being honest with each other?"

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