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Jiang Anning thought of Hu Yuxiu who had left, and said to her husband: "I was worried when my father told me that my sister-in-law was coming. But she turned out to be completely different from what I thought. She was like a neighbor sister, gentle and kind."

She had never gotten along with her sisters-in-law before, and her previous relationship with Xu Zhenzhen was not very pleasant, so she didn't have much expectations for this sister-in-law with an extraordinary family background. She just hoped that everyone would be safe and sound.

Zhou Enjin wiped the chili off the corner of her mouth, "What did you think?"

Jiang Anning suddenly sighed, "I asked my third sister before, what kind of person is my eldest sister-in-law. At that time, my third sister's expression was really hard to describe. I was not sure at first, and when I heard my third sister say that my eldest sister-in-law is a serious person who may be a little slow to warm up to strangers, I was even more unsure."

Speaking of this, Jiang Anning paused and said, "You don't know, when my third sister used the words 'a little slow to warm up', I always felt that she had been thinking about it for a long time in her heart. I wanted to ask more specifically, but my third sister said she was unwilling to say anything, and said that you will know when you see it. To be honest, I was very nervous at the time. But what my eldest sister-in-law and third sister said was completely different. They seemed very friendly and easy to get along with. "

When she said these words, her tone was half coquettish and half complaining. She was chewing dried shrimps in her mouth, and her cheeks were bulging like a little squirrel. She was in a very relaxed state.

Zhou Enjin was touched by her cute look, and smiled and said, "Third sister is not wrong. My eldest sister-in-law... She is the daughter of the prince, and she is a legitimate princess. She has seen too many people flattering the powerful and looking down on the weak. She is aloof and not easy to get along with. She looks gentle and can smile, but it's all polite. When you really get along with her, you will find that she is very distant and it is difficult to get into her heart. But once she recognizes you, she will show a completely different side."

"Distant? Is there?" Jiang Anning frowned in confusion.

From what they just saw, the eldest sister-in-law has a lively and cheerful personality. Although the two are more than 30 years apart, there is no gap between them when they get along.

Not only that, she also found that her sister-in-law was a bit talkative.

Zhou Enjin: "The reason why you don't feel alienated is because you are so likable. My sister-in-law likes you very much. I have never seen her like someone so much when she first met him. My wife is amazing."

"That's right, she is likable. My sister-in-law has good taste, and so do you." Jiang Anning raised her chin proudly. She is a little flower demon that everyone loves.

"You, you are not humble at all." Zhou Enjin pinched her lover's face.

Jiang Anning smiled as if it was natural: "You are telling the truth, why should I be humble."

Jiang Anning chatted with Zhou Enjin for a while, and estimated that the eldest sister-in-law should be back, so she said goodbye to Zhou Enjin and left the clinic.

Shortly after she left, Pei Qingsong came to the ward with documents. In addition to talking about the affairs of the Third Regiment in recent months, the most important thing was the last incident.

"How was the investigation of the situation at that time? Is there any result?" Zhou Enjin pinched his eyebrows and tried to recall the scene he saw when he went there.

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