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"Sister Xiu'e, what good thing happened to you?" Jiang Anning teased her with a smile.

"Hahaha... Sister Anning, you don't know." At this point, Guo Xiu'e held her stomach and laughed non-stop, "Oh, no, wait for me to laugh for a while. I have never encountered such a funny thing since I grew up."

After she said this, Jiang Anning became more curious, "What happened?"

Tien Niu hid behind the old aunt, poked his head out and looked at the aunt in front of him who was laughing loudly, and his almond eyes, which were exactly the same as Jiang Anning's, were full of surprise.

This aunt laughed so loudly, like thunder, rumbling.

Guo Xiu'e laughed so hard that her stomach hurt. She gasped and looked at Wang Fuhua who was smiling and Tieniu who was surprised. She felt a little embarrassed and tried to suppress her smile. But when she thought about how funny the scene was, she forced herself not to think about it and took a breath.

"I'll tell you later. These two must be Auntie and Tieniu. Hello, Auntie. I'm An Ning's neighbor. My name is..."

Before she finished speaking, Wang Fuhua stepped forward and said with a smile, "It's Xiu'e. An Ning always mentioned you to me. She said that you took good care of her when she first came. Today, I see that you are indeed a bright and kind-hearted girl."

"Auntie, you are too polite. I'm not as good as you say. It's all because An Ning is kind and doesn't mind my nagging." Guo Xiu'e was humble, but the corners of her mouth that couldn't be suppressed revealed her inner thoughts.

Everyone talked to each other, and it was very warm. The strange feeling of just meeting each other disappeared in these greetings.

"It's sunny on Haisha Island, Mom, you guys go in first." Zhou Enjin opened the gate and walked in with her things.

Guo Xiu'e slapped her forehead in self-blame, "Look at me, I forgot about this. Let's go in and talk slowly."

Jiang Anning led Wang Fuhua and Tieniu into the yard and introduced them, "Mom, this is the small yard where we are staying temporarily. There are three red brick houses with a yard."

Wang Fuhua looked around and became more and more satisfied, "Not bad, not bad, this yard is much bigger than the family yard."

The three-room brick house, although a little old, was well maintained.

There was a coconut tree, a type unique to the island, planted on the side of the yard. She had to look up to see the top. Strange vines were entwined on the bamboo fence. The left side was reclaimed as a vegetable field, planted with all kinds of vegetables and fruits, growing prosperously.

"Aunt, what is this?" Tieniu stared at the mango, took out his palm to gesture, and then let out a surprised "wow".

"This is a mango, a tropical fruit. It tastes very sweet when ripe. It can be eaten after a while..." Jiang Anning introduced the yard and led people into the main room.

Zhou Enjin was opening a coconut. Jiang Anning took five straw tubes from the wooden box above the cabinet and inserted them into the coconuts as straws, distributing them to the people present.

Guo Xiu'e tried it curiously. When the fragrant coconut juice was sucked out of the straw, her eyes lit up and she praised repeatedly, "This method is good. Sister An Ning, you are so smart." Only sister An Ning could come up with such a method. She went back to find some rice straw.

"I just think it's not convenient to drink it the way it was before." Jiang An Ning took the straw to help Wang Fuhua and Tie Niu plug it, "Mom, Tie Niu, you guys try it. This is the coconut on the coconut tree at the door."

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