~1~ Need More

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Thanks so much for your interest in this book! Please do not read this book if you haven't read my other three first. Otherwise you're going to be confused. Please start with Embers, Extinguished, Cinders, and then come back to this one. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️

Ellie's POV

If you would have told me 20 years ago that I was going to be ok, I would have laughed. 20 years ago, I was not ok. I was a single mom, who lived in a one bedroom, run-down, roach infested apartment. I had split from my life-long best friend/boyfriend/father of my child after he told me that he was tired of trying to make our romantic relationship work. He would never see me as more than a best friend. The pain of that was a pain I felt clear to my soul. He was right, though.

Raising my son alone made me tough. I wasn't completely alone, Alex still had Liam part-time. But emotionally I was alone. Physically I was alone. Financially I was pretty much alone. Alex helped me as much as he could, but it was never enough. Having him when we were 16 made us who we are.


Fast forward ten years, to when I met Taylor. I started a job as an EMT at Firehouse 20, and he was already a Lieutenant there. I instantly fell in love with him. Of course, I played hard to get. Eventually, though, we couldn't deny our feelings anymore.

We've gone through a lot together. I can honestly say, however, that he is everything I could ever need and want. He makes me whole.

We now live in a beautiful Victorian home with our three beautiful children that we have together. Liam is now a Lieutenant at Firehouse 20. He's worked his ass off, and now he is the Lieutenant for squad.

What about Taylor? Well, my handsome hubby was promoted to Chief, once Ryder retired. It was between Wes Greene and Taylor. Wes didn't want it. He wanted to stay with his unit on truck. Instead, Greene got promoted to Captain, and Taylor is now Chief of Firehouse 20. Diego is also the Lieutenant over Engine. Diego and Liam are very best friends. They've been close since Liam was 15 and he would come to the station with me.

Where does that leave me you ask...

Well, I stayed on as an EMT there until the twins were four. Then it just because too much. Being away from my three toddlers for 24 hours at a time, just became too much. I missed them too much. Plus, I realized I couldn't do my job correctly anymore. Once Liam started as candidate at the house, I was just too worried about him. Every time he would run into a burning building, my attention stayed on him. I couldn't separate my emotions from my work.

Taylor and I had LOTS of talks and arguments. We both finally decided that it was best if I stayed home. With the kids. At least for now.

So I have. For the last 11 years, I have stayed home. I've stayed and raised my family, but a piece has always been missing. I loved my job. It brought me joy.

A couple years ago I was sitting in our family room, watching the flames flicker in the fire place.

"Where's your head at, Ellie Jane?" Taylor asks, sitting next to me and wrapping his strong arms around me.

I just look at him and shake my head. I don't want to have this argument again. I've been having it with him for years, and it always ends up with me crying, and Taylor feeling like an ass.

"Tell me" he says, kissing the top of my head.

"I need more, Tay" I say, already feeling the lump in my throat.

He's silent for a long moment. He knows what I mean. This isn't the first time I've said this to him.

"Then let's get you more. Are you wanting to come back?" He asks, his tone is different. It's not the same defensive attitude he always gets. It surprises me so much that I look at him. His eyes are sad.

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