~121~ Hairbrush

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Liam's POV

I get off the phone and it's dead silent. Everyone is staring at me hard.

"Getting your belly button pierced is NOT being an angel, young lady" I say quietly.

Luke snorts.

"Well, I technically did this before you told us that" she says with a smirk.

"How we gonna do this, Sasha girl?" I ask, suddenly realizing the predicament I'm in.

"What do you mean?" She asks as she tilts her head.

"Well, you really think going over my lap is going to feel good on your stomach?"

Her face falls. She didn't think about that.

I shake my head. "Dang it. Guess you're getting the belt too. Come on."

She grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Liam, I HATE the belt. Come on, it's just a piercing. Please don't give me the belt."

She never looks at me like this. She just completely broke my heart.

"Sash, I don't have to, but do you really think you can go over my lap?" I ask her seriously.

She thinks about that. "No" she says in defeat.

"Then I don't know what other choice we have. Paddle?" I ask her.

Her eyes go wide with horror. "For a piercing? That's even worse than the belt" she says, wiping a tear away.

"Yeah it is" I agree, shaking my head.

"I don't know what to do" I admit.

Sasha just looks at me. I sigh and get out my phone. I call Taylor back and tell him what the predicament is. He thinks for a minute and then I can hear him asking mom.

"What about a hairbrush?" Mom asks quietly.

"Hairbrush?" Taylor asks, confused.

"Yeah. Dad used it on me a few times. Hurts worse than the hand but not as much as the belt or paddle.
She could just lean over the desk" mom says.

"Did you catch that?" Taylor asks.

"Yup" I say as I hang up.

"Mom says to use a hairbrush" I say, embarrassed.

She looks at me, horrified.

"A hairbrush?" She asks, shocked.

I just shrug. "Pick something, Sasha" I say.

She thinks for a minute. "Fine. I'll take a hairbrush. I'm literally turning 18 in a month. This is stupid" she pouts.

"I agree. It's stupid that you couldn't wait one more dang month to pierce your belly button. Go upstairs while I hunt down a wooden hairbrush" I snap.

She looks at Luke and Trace, hoping they will back her up. They know enough to keep their mouths shut.

She goes upstairs and I start hunting.

"Emmy, do you have one?" I ask.

She nods. She goes up to her room and I follow her.

"Here" she says, handing it to me.

"Thanks" I say with a smile. This thing looks evil.

I go in Sasha's room and she's waiting for me. She gives me a pleading look as she stares at the hairbrush.

"Can't you just tell them you did it?" She begs.

I just shake my head.

She sighs as she gets up and bends over the desk.

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