***~110~ Intruder***

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Ellie's POV

I wake up feeling uneasy. I don't want to go to school today. In fact, I don't want anyone at school today. I get up and get myself ready anyways, with dread in my stomach.

I bring Taylor's shirt down with me, and I see him in the kitchen packing his bag.

"Morning beautiful" he says, kissing me softly.

"Here's your shirt" I say, leaning into him and kissing him again.

"You ok?" He asks, looking at me hard.

I shrug. "I have a weird feeling today. You make sure you stay safe, Chief. You keep my son safe. You both come back to me, hear me? I won't be able to live if anything happens to either of you" I say, looking hard into his soul.

His face gets concerned as he puts his thumb lightly on my lips.

"You never talk like this" he says, his brow furrowing.

"I just have a really bad feeling today. I mean it. You come home to me. Bring our son home to me" I say, still staring deeply.

He nods "We're coming home to you, Ellie Jane" he says, kissing me and holding me tight. We stay like that for a long minute. Normally he's rushing out the door by now, but today he's just holding me.

"I love you. I'll see you tomorrow morning" he says seriously.

I nod as a tear escapes my eye and runs down my cheek.

"I love you too, Taylor" I say, kissing him once more.

He hesitates before he leaves. He just continues to look at me hard, not wanting to leave me. I have officially spooked him.

The whole way to school I feel sick. I have to blare the radio to keep the dark feelings away. Something just doesn't feel right.

I get in and Lance and Nick see me. They are in the hallway chatting.

"What's wrong, Ellie?" Lance asks, concerned.

"I don't know, Lance. Something doesn't feel right today. All the fire alarms and tornado alarms and everything are up-to-date and working, right?" I ask him seriously.

That surprises him.

"Yeah. We just had drills a month ago" he says.

I nod. "Ok." I say, glancing at Nick. "You having the kids go outside today?" I ask him.

He nods. "I've got the mile planned" he says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

I just nod. "Just please keep your eye out. Something doesn't feel right" I say, about to cry.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Lance asks.

"I've never been so serious. I don't know if it's here, or on Taylor's end, but something bad is going to happen. I can feel it" I say as a tear slips down my cheek.

They both just look at me.

"I'm going to get my day started" I say as I'm leaving.

All morning the feeling hasn't left. I've called Taylor three times already.

"We're fine baby girl. We haven't had a call yet" he says.

"I wonder if it's here" I say quietly.

"At the school?" He asks, alarmed.


"Then I want you and the kids to leave. Right now, Ellie" he says seriously. "Take Trace with you."

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