~90~ Don't Pin This on Him

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Sasha's POV

Hannah and I get to our room quickly and drop off our stuff. We have to meet in one of the conference rooms in 20 minutes for more practice. I'm pretty excited about this weekend. Mason is here. I'm hoping I can catch him alone. Maybe I can get him to
finally give in and kiss me.

We get to the conference room and spend the next hour working on the choreography. When we get done, we meet up with all the parents for a welcome dinner. The basketball team is here too. I go in and sit by mom and dad. Mason is here, but he's sitting by Mr. Chase and Principal Mills on the opposite side of the room.

He keeps looking over here though.

We eat our dinner and then I say goodbye to mom and dad. Our coach wants a few more run throughs.

Dad gives me a hug. "I want you in your room by 10, hear me?" He asks as he gives me a kiss.

I nod and smile.

Suddenly I see Uncle Alex and Aunt Lilah walk in the door. He spots mom and immediately gives her a hug and a kiss. Even though Uncle Alex is old, he's still pretty cute. All of the moms in the room are ogling him. Ms. Franklin looks like she's going to have an attack. He ignores it...He always ignores it. It's always bothered Lilah though.

He sees Liam and hugs him, then kisses Savannah. I see my bra in a discreet tote bag. Thank you Lilah!! I'm sure Alex would have just handed me my bra in front of everyone without putting it in anything.

I go over to him and jump in his arms.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I say, hugging him tight. He chuckles as he picks me up and kisses my cheek.

"I'll do anything for the woman in my life. Now I get to see you dance and Luke play basketball. Sounds like a win-win" he says, kissing me again as he sets me down.

"Ellie, they're totally booked. Still have that room?" He asks, hopeful.

"Yeah, give me a second" she says as she walks over to Mason's table.

"Any chance your offer is still available?" She asks him with a smile.

Mason nods as he stands up, getting his key out of his wallet.

"I've just got to get my suitcase out of it. Nick has two beds in his room" he says, handing mom the key.

I see Alex stiffen once he realizes who the room is from.

Mason must recognize him. I heard that Alex was in the room that day. He immediately gets uncomfortable.

"Thank you. We really appreciate it. Don't we, Alex?" Mom asks darkly.

"Yup" he says simply without a trace of a smile.

Mr. Chase stands up then and squeezes Mason's shoulder.

"We will go get the bag out of his room. Can we have the key back for just a minute, Ellie?" Chase asks.

Mom hands the key back silently.

"We will be right back" Chase says with his arm still wrapped around Mason.

Alex shakes his head and goes over to Liam. "That was unnecessary dad" Liam says quietly. Darkly.

Alex says nothing as he looks at dad. He and dad share the same disgusted look.

Once they get back, Mason silently hands the key to mom and then he and Chase head out.

Hannah and I head out to meet my team. We practice for a couple of hours, until we are all positive that we have the moves perfect.

I go back to my room to get showered and get some cute comfy clothes on. I decide on an adorable off-the-shoulder lounge shirt and some short shorts. I'm hoping I will run into Mason somewhere in the hotel. I put some light makeup on so it doesn't look like I'm wearing any. It just looks natural.

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