~31~ Awkward

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Taylor's POV

As soon as I answered the phone I knew something bad had happened. Ellie's voice was a tone that I never hear. Hateful.

It was my fault. Don't get me wrong, my kid is a moron, but it was my fault. I was going through some of my fishing gear this afternoon, and Greene asked if I could come over a little early before the poker game started. I rushed out, and didn't lock it. I must not have gotten the door latched. It is pretty windy today, so I'm sure that's how it opened.

So here I sit, waiting for Luke to come downstairs. I'm actually nervous to spank him. I'm not going to lose control, I learned my lesson the last time, I'm just nervous with how it's going to go. He's a teenage boy whose gotten the belt for years. I don't know if I will be able to make this hurt enough. Guess we will find out.

He comes down slowly, trying to take his time. I can tell he's embarrassed. It's weird to make him go over my knee. I thought it was weird when Alex did it with Liam. I tried not to judge him though, at least he was finally disciplining him. However, I silently was. Never in a million years did I think I'd be here. I quit spanking him over my knee when he was 10.

He just stands a few feet away, waiting for me to make him come over.

"You feel as awkward as I do?" I ask honestly. This is weird.

"Yes sir" he says quietly. Embarrassed.

I just nod.

"Let's get it over with" I say darkly as I lean back on the couch a little, motioning for him to come over.

He sighs quietly and looks down, shaking his head slightly. He's mortified.

He doesn't even make eye contact with me as he lays over my lap. I brace my knee once he's over, to adjust to his weight. He's gotten heavier since the last time we've done this.

He puts his hands on the ground, trying to steady himself. I wrap my arm around him and push him down further.

Once we are both situated, I put my hand on his thigh.

"Ok, kid. The belt would have been hell for you, so we're doing 60. We will see if that's enough at the end"

"When Alex did this, he made Liam count. When he missed a count, Alex corrected him, but did a penalty smack. That's what we're going to do too. K?" I ask, regretting this decision. Maybe I could back out now and still use the belt. I can't do that. Then that will be even more awkward.

"Yes sir" he says, still completely embarrassed.

I take a silent breath and shake my head. This is insane. I grip him a little tighter and let the first smack fall hard.

"One" he says quickly...quietly

I do it again in the same spot.

"Two" he says, just as quiet.

The thing about Luke, is I always have trouble figuring out if my punishment is effective. The kid has an insane pain tolerance. He hasn't even flinched.

After the first 15, I'm seriously questioning if I'm just wasting both of our times. Suddenly when I smack him for number 16, he miscounts.

"17" he says, his voice totally normal.

I'm inwardly relieved. It's getting to him. He's feeling this.

I smack his thigh hard, really hard. He suddenly flinches slightly, confirming my suspicion.

"It was 16. Next one is 17" I say, keeping my voice bored.

I smack his thigh again, but not quite as hard.

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