***~189~ Reunion***

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Liam's POV

It's been days. The fire is just about out. We have saved the town! It's going to take years to get this town back to where it was, but it's so much better than we were anticipating.

We're leaving today. Other units have come in to relieve us. We've been battling this fire for a week. We have slept and ate very little. We have to see our families soon or we're going to go insane. We got word that Wes made it. Our families are at the hospital.

The citizens are not allowed to return back for another week. Wes is getting discharged today and we're going back to the hotel for a few days to recoup before we return to help with cleanup.

"Ready to see your wife?" I ask Taylor as we get in the helicopter they have for all the men. We're all going to the hospital to see Wes and Diego, and then we are going to the hotel where all of our families are at.

"Never been more ready for anything in my entire life" he says, fighting tears.

We get to the hospital and rush in. I know that Savannah is back at the hotel with Lilah and dad, but Nora is at the hospital with mom and Megan.

I see Nora walking the hall. As soon as she sees me, she runs at full-speed and jumps into my arms. I catch her easily and hold her as tight as I can. I start kissing her hard. Both of our tears are mingling with each other. I truly thought I was saying goodbye to her back there.

"How's Wes?" I ask once we say our "hellos" and "I love you's"

"He's good. It's been a hard week, but he's doing really really good" she says. Her face is wrong. It's really wrong.

"What room is Diego in? I'm actually going to see him first" I say, setting her down and starting to walk.

"Liam, stop" she says sternly.

Taylor gives her a funny look. He's anxious to see Diego and Wes too.

"We need to talk" she says, fighting tears.

I just nod. I don't understand why she's so upset right now.

"The only reason Wes survived was because he got a liver transplant" She starts.

Taylor and I just look at each other. We had no idea that it was so serious. All they told us was that he survived.

"Damn" Taylor says simply.

I just nod. "Ok. I still want to check on Diego real quick. What room, baby?" I ask her.

Nora takes a deep breath and starts letting her tears fall. She comes up to me and grabs my hands tight.

"Diego saved Wes, Liam" she says, trying not to cry.

"I don't understand" I admit. How could Diego save Wes?

"Diego was hurt. He was real hurt. The tree limb that fell on you guys did more damage than just the gash. We had no idea how hurt he was until he seized in the helicopter. Baby, Diego is dead" she says, starting to sob.

"NO!" Taylor yells as he grabs the wall for support.

I suddenly get pissed at Nora. Real pissed. "How could you joke about something like that?" I ask, seeing red. I see this woman for the first time in a week and now we're in a fight? Fantastic.

"He had internal bleeding. By the time we got to the hospital, there was nothing anybody could do. Maria gave consent for Wes to get his liver" she cries.

"Why are you doing this to me?!?" I scream at her.

"Tell me the damn room!!!" I scream, grabbing her roughly by the shoulders.

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